ICYMI – Opinion – 6/18 – | Back in September of 2016, the Gateway Pundit reported that Barack Obama had communicated with his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton on her own personal email account, via a pseudonym name on his email account.
Obama had stated to CBS News in March of 2016 that he had only heard about Hillary Clinton’s private emails because of news reports. Take a look at the video below:
This isn’t the case. Obama wasn’t telling the truth. In September of 2016, the FBI released records that proved that Barack Obama had actually emailed Clinton on a pseudonym email account. The Inspector General’s recently released report barely even touches on this important fact. It was barely even mentioned in a tiny footnote of the lengthy report.
The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report discusses Obama’s emails briefly on pages 88 and 89:
In this section, we address the Midyear team’s efforts to obtain email content from the accounts of the three senior aides that had the most email communication with Clinton—Jake Sullivan, Cheryl Mills, and Huma Abedin. Sullivan was Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy from January 2009 to February 2011 and Director of Policy and Planning at the State Department from February 2011 to January 2013; Mills served as, among other things, Clinton’s Chief of Staff during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary; and Abedin served as Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff during Clinton’s tenure. According to the LHM, the FBI discovered through its review of emails from various sources that only 13 individuals had direct email contact with Clinton, and that Sullivan, Abedin, and Mills “accounted for 68 percent of the emails sent directly to Clinton.”[footnote] 75 State Department employees told the FBI that they considered emailing Sullivan, Mills, or Abedin the equivalent of emailing Clinton directly.
That is the one place in the entire report that there was any mention of the former President’s suspected crimes regarding email usage. The only places were under a footnote at the bottom of the 89th page of the report.
75 FBI analysts and Prosecutor 2 told us that former President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her clintonemail.com account. Obama, like other high level government officials, used a pseudonym for his username on his official government email account. The analysts told us that they questioned whether Obama’s email address (combined with salutations that revealed that the emails were being exchanged with Obama) or other information contained in the emails were classified and, thus, sent the emails to relevant USIC agencies for classification review. However, they stated that the USIC agencies determined that none of the emails contained classified information.
Why did Horowitz decide to embed this important information into a tiny footnote in the giant report? This was clearly done on purpose. He had to have seen that there was an issue with former President Barack Obama using a fake pseudonym email to communicate with Clinton on her private email account.
What is being hidden here?