UPDATE: Officials in conjunction with corporate media are trying to bury newly discovered documents.
Opinion| First, kudos to investigative journalist Laura Loomer for continuing to dig for more information about the cover up following the Harvest 91 massacre in October of 2017.
Just 10 days after the carnage had been perpetrated on the concert goers, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo began changing the official story.
The mainstream propaganda media either ignored the new facts or called those who were reporting the significance of the changing narrative, conspiracy theorists.
Here was our take on October 11, 2017. As you might expect the video/audio evidence we presented has since been scrubbed by YouTube.
Immediately following the shooting we reviewed various eyewitness videos that had been posted to Facebook that called into question the presence of at least one additional shooter.
By November 2, 2017 enough evidence had been uncovered to suggest that an entire team of assassins had been employed the night of the concert.
Two months later on January 14th, 2018, then-newly unsealed affidavits to the U.S. District Court in Nevada showed that the FBI knew, or at least strongly suspected, that the plot was more extensive than we were being told.
All this time the mainstream propaganda media was silent. And, all this while the tech giants were purging, or seriously constraining the reach of conservative websites that dared to ask questions and put two and two together.
The subject of multiple shooters was verboten. The mainstream media refused to report the anomalies and those of us who did were labeled “fake news” and punished.
All of this was predicted way back in December of 2016, when the lame duck Congress – under Speaker Paul Ryan – passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017.
We warned then that if the bill passed Senate approval and Obama signed it, it would become the basis for targeting, threatening, or eliminating so-called “fake news” websites.
The government would be empowered to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media’s proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.”
Shortly thereafter, the Senate approved the provisions that we were concerned about in the form of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and Manchurian president Obama almost immediately signed it into law.
Well guess what? Fast forward two years and;
Loomer, working on her own dime, just delivered a blockbuster report that seems to confirm the multiple shooter theory and casts shade on the FBI and the Las Vegas Metro Police Department for their deliberate lack of transparency.
From her website, lauraloomer.us:
Documents released on Thursday from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department LVMPD point to multiple shooters and a contaminated crime scene in an already controversial investigation into the Las Vegas shooting over a year ago.
The LVMPD released 18 voluntary statements made by officers who responded to the shooting in Las Vegas October 1, 2017. One of the documents that stood out from the rest was the sworn statement of Sergeant William Matchko (P#8525), document #11, in which he states the LVMPD knew of multiple shooters who they planned to wiretap after they discovered Stephen Paddock’s dead body in a suspected suicide.
In what is a routine procedure, officers are often asked to give a statement very soon after an event, commonly referred to as a witness officer interview. Matchko’s interview was conducted by the LVMPD – Force Investigation Team on October 3, 2017 at 6:40PM, just two days after the Las Vegas shooting.
Matchko’s memory of the events were still freshly ingrained in his mind.
Sergeant Matchko’s stated that due to the fact the blood coming from the shooters head was coagulated he immediately realized that alleged Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock had been dead for a long time prior to SWAT entering the room.
Ms. Loomer did the heavy lifting here and I will not steal her work. Please go to her website to read all of the official documents that corroborate the involvement of multiple coordinated shooters.
What is the mainstream media hiding? We’ll soon be exploring those possibilities.