** UPDATE** Two months later, Democrats still don’t want to fund the wall.
Opinion| It has been reported that an illegal immigrant named Neri Damian Cruz-Carmano hit Jamar Beach with his van, which decapitated him.
Rather than stopping the vehicle, Cruz-Carmano proceeded to drive away with Beach’s body pinned to the front.
The suspect only received a 14-month prison sentence for Beach’s death.
David Harris Jr. reports:
Jamar’s family was in the courtroom as the verdict was handed down, and they raised the picture of him in a sign of protest. Unfortunately for the family, their battle is not over. They now have to fight to make sure Carmano-Cruz is deported after he serves his time in prison – and that’s no slam dunk, as the Democrats have become the protectorate of the criminal illegal aliens.
The Gateway Pundit reported, “Jamar Beach was decapitated when he was hit by a van driven by illegal alien Neri Damian Cruz-Carmano in a hit-and-run. Cruz-Carmano drove away with Beach’s beheaded body stuck in his van.”
Beach’s family is hoping to have Cruz-Carmano deported once his short prison sentence is completed.
ABC11 reported:
The family of a Raleigh man killed in a crash in September said he wouldn’t be dead if the man who hit him had not illegally entered the country.
The man who hit Jamar Beach, 26, pleaded guilty Friday to hit-and-run causing death–it was the only criminal charge prosecutors said they could defend in court.
The judge in the case handed down the maximum sentence of 20-33 months in prison, but Beach’s family said it’s just not enough.
Beach’s mother, Cameo Robinson stated, “He had no business here in the first place and he should not have been operating a vehicle. He didn’t have a license. So therefore he’s being treated better than the citizen who’s been killed.”
Investigators stated that they could were unable to gather enough information to confirm that Neri Damian Cruz-Carmano had been driving impaired or had even caused the accident in the first place. They do believe that the man who entered the country illegally did both.
“He gets to go home with his two children. He goes home to his wife. My grandson, he doesn’t have a father,” Robinson continued.
ABC11 reported, “Beach’s son is just 2 years old. Beach’s family held up pictures during the hearing and cringed when the defense attorney pleaded for leniency.”