This is how they plan to override public consent. Democrat Kamala Harris moves to allow non-citizens to work in Congress!
Opinion | According to Kamala Harris and several of her fellow democrat Senators, illegal aliens should be allowed to have a hand in the creation of the laws of our land.
Kamala Harris released a statement on Wednesday regarding the DACA job offer saying, “The giant sign outside my office says ‘DREAMers Welcome Here’ because we know and value the contributions that these young people have made to their communities.”
“But right now, those same young people are banned from giving back to their country by working for Congress. That has to change … Government works best when it reflects the people it represents. Our nation’s DREAMers are some of our best and brightest, and it’s time they had the opportunity to get a job or paid internship on Capitol Hill,” Senator Harris continued.
“The American Dream Employment Act would expand Congress’ talent pool, give Dreamers a seat at the table, and strengthen policy making for all Americans,” Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto says.
Another democratic Senator, Dick Durbin, chimed in on the subject saying, “I’ve been proud to have several Dreamers work in my office as volunteer interns and have seen firsthand how the people of Illinois would benefit if Dreamers could serve as paid employees in my office.”
The move to give DREAMER’s jobs on Capitol Hill is a pawn in Harris’ high-profile run for presidency which is founded on immigration reform.
Pro-Harris articles are painting federal immigration laws as a “mean spirited ban on DREAMER’s.”
Harris is also pushing for an expansion of legal and financial incentives for hundreds of thousands of low-wage Indian college graduates to receive U.S. based jobs. This seems to be connected to the fact that Harris’ mother is from India.
Weird but true: GOP and Dems in Congress are offering fast-track green cards to encourage 300,000+ vr. low wage Indian workers to take jobs from middle class American voters & graduates. FWIW I don’t think the pols & staffers recognize what they are doing
— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) March 1, 2019
DACA children accumulated in 2012 when former-president Barack Obama stopped enforcing immigration laws against illegal alien children.
Despite huge job losses caused by the crash in 2008, affecting many blue-collar workers and African American youths, Obama handed out work permits to the young illegal aliens.
About 800,000 work permits were handed out to the young illegal immigrants, despite our Nation’s laws that say only Congress can provide work permits.
Harris’ new bill dubbed the “American Dream Employment Act,” was backed by over 50 democratic lawmakers.
Harris’ new legislation highlights the democrat’s wish to make illegal immigrants a part of American society and push the view that we are a “Nation of immigrants.”
There is already a ton of leniency when it comes to immigration laws in America and there is a lot of help here in America for illegal immigrants. Democrats do not see America as a Nation created by and for Americans.
Business groups who would benefit from hiring illegal aliens to cut wages and spike revenues are backing Harris’ bill.
There should be no penalty for illegal immigration, says Julian Castro, one of the Democrats’ presidential candidates. He also wants amnesty for millions. OK, so offering wage cuts and rent hikes may not be the best campaign tactic, but it is original.
— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) April 2, 2019
Breitbart reports:
“This federal policy of flooding the market with cheap white-collar graduates and blue-collar foreign labor is intended to boost economic growth for investors. This policy shifts enormous wealth from young employees towards older investors, widens wealth gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts children’s schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines millions of marginalized Americans, including many who are now struggling with fentanyl addictions.”
The democrat’s immigration policies are horrifyingly flawd.