Kirsters T. Baish| Self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cannot stand President Donald Trump.
She feels that there are just so many reasons he should be impeached… but she seemed to have trouble even naming three.
Take a look:
“I think you could reach in a bag and pull so many things out that are impeachable of this president. I support impeaching this president,” Ocasio-Cortez said during Yahoo’s Skullduggery podcast.
“Inside that bag, according to the freshman congresswoman, are tax fraud and emoluments — which ranks No. 1 on the Ocasio-Cortez impeachable list,” reports Mediate.
“I think it’s always been emoluments,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. She went on, “It’s always been about that for me.”
The New York freshman congresswoman’s position is not quite the same as Democratic Party leadership.
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on record against impeaching President Trump.
“He’s just not worth it,” Pelosi stated in March.
Mediate reports, “Ocasio-Cortez appears not to feel the same way. Referring to potential grounds for impeachment, the congresswoman said, ‘There’s just so much. … I can’t even.'”