Kirsters Baish| It has been reported that the President’s lawyers are suing Democratic House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings of Maryland to “block a subpoena for financial records from an accounting firm used by the Trump Organization.”
President Trump didn’t mince words in his complaint against House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings’ subpoena to obtain his financial records.
The President reminded him that Congress only has oversight power over producing legislation.
Trump blasts Cummings for ignoring the constitutional limits on Congress’ power to investigate.
Trump’s attorney says the democrats efforts to obtain Trump’s confidential information has no legitimate legislative purpose.
His attorney William Consovoy also exposed the charade for what it is; political opponents harassing our president.
Earlier in April, Cummings issued the subpoena to an accountant of President Trump, Mazars USA, and the President’s real estate firm.
The Monday lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
The President’s legal team stated that the subpoena “lacks any legitimate legislative purpose, is an abuse of power, and is just another example of overreach by the president’s political opponents.”
Breitbart News reports:
The lawsuit accuses Cummings of failing to consult with Republicans on the panel before issuing the subpoena and says he relied on the testimony of Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who told lawmakers in February that some of President Trump’s financial statements contained inaccuracies. Cohen pleaded guilty last year to lying to Congress in 2017 about a real estate deal involving the president in Moscow.
The lawsuit reads, “The Cohen hearing was a partisan stunt, not a good-faith effort to obtain accurate testimony from a reliable witness. Democrats are using their new control of congressional committees to investigate every aspect of President Trump’s personal finances, businesses, and even his family.”
President Trump’s attorney, Jay Sekulow, released a statement to NBC News in which he stated of the suit, “We will not allow congressional presidential harassment to go unanswered.”
According to Business Insider, the filing against Cummings says, “Democrats are using their new control of congressional committees to investigate every aspect of President Trump’s personal finances, businesses, and even his family.
Instead of working with the President to pass bipartisan legislation that would actually benefit Americans, House Democrats are singularly obsessed with finding something they can use to damage the President politically.”
Cummings announced the subpoena in a memo last week. The Maryland Democrat said it was a “friendly subpoena” because the accounting firm, Mazars USA, had requested one from the committee before turning over records related to the president’s finances.
Cummings requested Trump’s financial records dating back 10 years, adding that the subpoena was based on testimony provided by Trump’s longtime former lawyer, Michael Cohen, as well as “corroborating documents” that “raise grave questions about whether the President has been accurate in his financial reporting.”
According to The Washington Post, when Mazars USA was putting together statements of Trump’s financial stability, accountants at the firm did not verify the figures Trump provided to them, saying that it was not their job to check for their authenticity.