Kamala Harris is trying to find an issue that will out-liberal the other nearly 2 dozen declared candidates in the 2020 Dmocrat Presidential primary race.
So Harris decided to separate herself by going full on fascist via a sweeping gun-grab proposal.
California Congressman Eric Swallwell thought he had already called dibbs on that but Harris is giving it a shot anyway.
Monday night’s CNN Town Hall was one of the first opportunities for the top Democratic presidential contenders to come together and share their views on allowing child rapists, terrorists and murderers to vote, and other formerly radical policies that have somehow found their way into the Democratic mainstream.
As each candidate vied to outdo one another, California Sen. Kamala Harris, widely rumored to have the party’s implicit backing as the “establishment choice” in a widening field of nearly two dozen candidates, boldly declared that she would take executive action to force federal agencies to write new rules on gun control should Congress “fail to act”.
“Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action,” Harris said Monday.
An aide to Harris said the senator would direct the ATF “to promulgate a regulation” that makes it so that “if you sell five or more guns for profit a year, you will be considered a ‘dealer’ and required to perform background checks.”
She added that she would push to “ban assault weapons”, which, as she is no doubt aware thanks to her time as a prosecutor (though most non-gun-owning Americans probably don’t understand the difference) would mean banning most semi-automatic weapons, leaving hunters and hobbyists with revolvers and pump-action rifles and shotguns.
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris says she wants to ban “assault weapons,” which means all semi-automatic firearms
Harris says she “will give” Congress 100 days to pass radical gun control laws or else she will use executive action to ram through her agenda pic.twitter.com/Ly8dpQisld
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 23, 2019
During a town hall hosted by CNN, Harris said that if a bill from Congress did not make it to her desk, she would unilaterally mandate background checks for customers purchasing a firearm from any dealer who sells more than five guns a year.
Dealers who violate the law, she said, would have their licenses revoked.
The other executive orders would prohibit fugitives from purchasing a firearm or weapon, as well as close the loophole that allows some domestic abusers to purchase a firearm if their victim is an unwedded partner.
“There are people in Washington, D.C., supposed leaders,” Harris said, “who have failed to have the courage to reject a false choice which suggests you’re either in favor of the second amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away.”