A so-called “political analyst” from CNN, White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, April Ryan has never really liked Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Ryan had once started a feud with Sanders because she thought she didn’t really bake a pie, and even suggested Sanders wanted to fight her.
But in the wake of the Mueller report, and Sander’s testimony in it, Ryan demanded that President Trump fire her for lying.
In an interview with the Special Counsel, Sanders admitted that she had made exaggerated comments “in the heat of the moment” during press conferences.
According to Ryan, who posted a picture of herself on Instagram singing and dancing with now-indicted lawyer Michael Avenatti, it meant that Sanders had no credibility.
“Not only does she not have credibility, she lied. She out and out lied,” she declared as emotion welled up in her voice. “And the people, the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the President’s mouthpiece-spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of story.”
Things got very dark as Ryan rhetorically suggested that since there was “a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off.” She added: “It’s fire me Thursday or fire me Good Friday. She needs to go.”
After host Erin Burnett questioned the likelihood of Trump acquiescing to her demand, Ryan stated: “You never know.” Ryan argued that Trump might make Sanders take “the fall” for him since he never would.
Ryan got even more hysterical as she accused the White House official of playing “a dangerous game” in the briefing room. “The game is dangerous because she is lying to the American public. Everything comes to the White House from war to peace and everything in between. And if you can’t trust her talking about that, what can you trust her about,” she ranted.
To add onto the hyperbole, Ryan blamed the White House for threats made against her:
Then on top of that, she says the press is fake when she’s faking reports from the people’s house. She’s calling us fake. We’ve had colleagues who have had to move from their houses because of threats. I have to have security because of being called fake and a loser and all sorts of things from that White House.
“It’s time for her to go,” Ryan concluded.
The transcript is below:
CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront
April 18, 2019
7:58:04 p.m. Eastern
ERIN BURNETT: [Press Secretary Sarah] Sanders told the Special Counsel, April, that countless that that “countless members of the FBI” was a “slip of the tongue”, and then she said “her statement in a separate press interview where she said rank-and-file FBI agents lost confidence in Comey”? She said, oh, that was just “a comment made ‘in the heat of the moment’ and it was not founded on anything.” Okay. So does she have credibility left?
APRIL RYAN: Not only does she not have credibility, she lied. She out and out lied. And the people, the American people can’t trust her. They can’t trust what’s said from the President’s mouthpiece-spokesperson from the people’s house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired, end of story.
When there is a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off. It’s fire me Thursday or fire me Good Friday. She needs to go.
BURNETT: That won’t happen, though, right?
RYAN: You never know. The President doesn’t want the take the fall. So he may make her take the fall.
RYAN: Erin, let me go to something else. Let me go to something else. Sarah plays a dangerous game in that room, and so has Sean. The game is dangerous because she is lying to the American public. Everything comes to the White House from war to peace and everything in between. And if you can’t trust her talking about that, what can you trust her about?
Then on top of that, she says the press is fake when she’s faking reports from the people’s house. She’s calling us fake. We’ve had colleagues who have had to move from their houses because of threats. I have to have security because of being called fake and a loser and all sorts of things from that White House. It’s time for her to go.