Congressman Devin Nunes, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee joined Sean Hannity to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s dishonesty in characterizing Joseph Mifsud:
Recall that Mifsud is the Maltese professor who planted the idea with George Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Rep. Nunes explained that he had combed through what he called he Mueller dossier and found that the special counsel had used a Guardian news report that claimed Mifsud was an employee of Link Campus, in Italy.
As with virtually every half-truth that was used to cobble together the anti-Trump narrative, Mueller failed to identify Mifsud’s relationship to Italian intelligence services.
Rep. Nunes: When you look into Mifsud closer you realize he is connected with all kinds of intelligence agencies. Including our ow FBI.
This led Nunes to write a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Central Intelligence Agency Director Gina Haspel, National Security Agency Director Paul Nakasone and FBI Director Chris Wray requesting answers as to who Joseph Mifsud was working for.
Fox News’ reported that Nunes, who included pictures of Mifsud and a number Western political figures and FBI agents at Link Campus where Mifsud is a lecturer, wrote:
“If Mifsud has extensive, suspicious contacts among Russian officials as portrayed in the special counsel’s report, then an incredibly wide range of Western institutions and individuals may have been compromised by him, including our own State Department.”
This is Nunes at his Machiavellian best.
His letter strikes at the heart of the CIA/FBI set-up of George Papadopoulos and requires all four Departments/Agencies in the position of having to declare their relationship to Mifsud.
Remembering that the predicate given for the origination of the early 2016 CIA/FBI investigation of George Papadopoulos was his interaction with Mifsud, who we were told was a Russian asset and who is alleged to have told Papadopoulos that Russia had ‘dirt’ in Hillary Clinton.
Professor Mifsud being a Russian asset underpins all subsequent CIA/FBI activity. Here’s where it gets good.
If Mifsud is a Russian asset, as Mueller contended in his report, then the FBI and a number of Western political figures have a lot of explaining to do about their frequent interactions with him.
The same applies to the NSA, the State Department, and the CIA. Have they all been compromised as they contended Papadopoulos was?
If Mifsud is not a Russian intelligence asset, the FBI and CIA based their nearly three-year narrative on a lie and the credibility of the Mueller Report collapses.
If Mifsud is a Western asset that proves Papadopoulos was being set up.
Little wonder why Mifsud vanished from public eye after his name began surfacing in news stories more than two years ago.
It’s time everyone put their cards on the table.