On Friday, Democratic Representative Adam Schiff of California bashed Attorney General William Barr’s investigation of the nearly-two-year witch hunt into allegations of collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Schiff stated that Barr was taking part in the “Trumpification” of the DOJ.
“Barr says Trump’s campaign was ‘spied’ upon. Trump claims treason. Both are incendiary. Neither is true. Barr suggests a finger was put on the scale to affect the election. But the Trump probe was kept secret; the Clinton one wasn’t. It’s the Trumpification of the DOJ,” Schiff posted on Twitter.
Barr says Trump’s campaign was “spied” upon. Trump claims treason. Both are incendiary. Neither is true.
Barr suggests a finger was put on the scale to affect the election. But the Trump probe was kept secret; the Clinton one wasn’t.
It’s the Trumpification of the DOJ.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 17, 2019
Hannity.com reports:
Schiff’s comments come days after the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee called for Barr’s resignation after he refused to speak with Congressional Democrats regarding Robert Mueller’s “no collusion” report.
Schiff published a scathing op-ed in USA Today last Friday directly accusing Barr of “misleading the country” after he declined to indict President Trump of obstructing justice.
“William Barr should resign,” Schiff wrote. “The public servants there and in similar offices around the country deserve an attorney general who shares their abiding commitment to the rule of law, demonstrates strength and independence, speaks truth to power and represents no one person, but all Americans.”
“That makes Bill Barr the second most dangerous man in the country. It also renders him grossly unfit for office,” Schiff continued.
He went on to accuse Barr of “doing the President’s bidding.”
“When you hear the Attorney General say he wants to look in to what he calls ‘spying’ into the President’s campaign, what’s your first reaction?” questioned an ABC News reporter.
Rep. Adam Schiff tells @Marykbruce Barr is doing Trump's "bidding" by saying he wants to look into "spying" into the Trump campaign.
"This must be very pleasing to Donald Trump, who wants to create a narrative that he's the victim of some deep state coup" https://t.co/XgozpYHoBo pic.twitter.com/1imyA8J4Kc
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) April 11, 2019
“It’s stunning to hear the top law enforcement officer in the country talk so cavalierly about spying on a political campaign. This must be very pleasing for Donald Trump who wants to create a narrative that he’s the victim of some Deep State coup,” stated Schiff.
“The Attorney General has a higher responsibility than simply doing the bidding of the President of the United States,” he continued.
You can read Schiff’s full op-ed piece here.