On June 25th, 2018 Judicial Watch sent a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics Chairman Doc Hastings and Co-chair David Skaggs regarding Maxine Waters’ comments during a speech she gave on June 23 in which she encouraged angry Democrats to “push back” against any conservative politicians or cabinet members.
The exact statement was “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere!”
Not long after, the upscale Italian restaurant Fiola was the scene of an incident when Ted Cruz was chased from the restaurant by members of Democrat-supported Antifa. The restaurant was forced to hire security after the owner and his wife and family are receiving death threats from leftist domestic terrorists.
Coming forward to the present, leftists have still not simmered down the way you might expect. To the contrary, we have MORE of them joining the push to accost conservatives violently. The latest to get on the bandwagon is CBS News!
This from Breitbart:
With its embrace of the left’s milkshake assaults on politicians, CBS News has joined CNN’s campaign to encourage violence against the political right.
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was just the latest right-leaning politician attacked with a milkshake over the weekend, and as my colleague James Delingpole points out, there is nothing funny or harmless about these assaults.
“Once you start suggesting that physical assaults of any kind are acceptable then you are legitimizing violence. And violence has a nasty habit of escalating,” Delingpole writes, and that is exactly correct. The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose, and hurling a milkshake at someone is a physical assault. Period.
Even if it does not escalate beyond the milkshake, you are still throwing a physical object at someone, which at worst could injure them and at best vandalizes their property in the form of their clothes.
Physical assault is an extremely easy and moral line to draw, and we all know the media would hit Defcon 1 if a Barack Obama or Elizabeth Warren was ever hit with a milkshake. Nevertheless…
Here is CBS News openly encouraging physical assaults against their political enemies on the right [emphasis added]:
Protesters in Britain have weaponized the milk shake. In the latest of a series of attacks on right-wing politicians, Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage was doused with a milkshake yesterday. That was actually salted caramel if anyone is wondering. [Laughter.] He was campaigning. These attacks have come to be known as milk shaking. Now, this follows egging. It follows pieing, punching. I don’t know. I’m sure it feels great. I’m sure people love the feeling. Pictures fly around the world. Put some of that energy into campaigning and maybe the people you don’t want to be in office won’t be in office.
That is not some talking head cracking wise, that is a so-called journalist, Tony Dokoupil, who co-hosts CBS This Morning.
You can watch the sickening spectacle at NewsBusters, which describes the scene this way [emphasis original]:
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Tuesday laughed at a new trend by militant leftists: Dumping milkshakes on politicians they don’t like. Co-host Tony Dokoupil began with a whimsical recounting: “In the latest of a series of attacks on right-wing politicians, Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage was doused with a milkshake yesterday. That was actually salted caramel if anyone is wondering.”
This prompted laughter from Dokoupil’s co-hosts. Continuing the jovial discussion of political violence, he added, “I’m sure it feels great. I’m sure people love the feeling. Pictures fly around the world.”
This is yet another example of how the corrupt establishment media want to create an Animal Farm Affirmative Action world where the left enjoy more civil rights than the right.
When the right says something the media do not like, it is violence, racism, and dangerous.
When the left does actually assaults someone, it is “great.”
The political elite, academia, the news media, Hollywood, and our tech lords are all abusing their power to grant the left the civil right to say and do whatever they like — including violence (see: Antifa).
Meanwhile, the right is silenced and slapped with scarlet letters over terms and traditional beliefs; for refusing to call a biological man a woman, for opposing abortion and gay marriage, for using the term “illegal alien” as opposed to the Orwellian mush that is “undocumented immigrant.”
We are censored, blacklisted, de-platformed, and disappeared over ideas and words, while the left engages in actual violence and is applauded for it.
And now you have CBS News joining CNN in legitimizing, condoning, and encouraging physical assaults, but only against one class of people, the unprotected class.
Now ask me again why the political elite, the news media, tech lords, academia, and Hollywood are so desperate to take away our Second Amendment civil right to own a firearm…
So far there have been more than 330 documented hate crimes against Trump supporters. CNN and CBS consider that only a good start.
Source: Breitbart News
Does any of this bother you? It should. I think it’s absolutely despicable that I as one with conservative ideals has to walk around feeling as if my life is in danger if I say anything at all the Left doesn’t like. I worked in a predominantly liberal environment for over 30 years, and I can tell you firsthand that I felt that my job security was on the line if I dared to say I supported conservative values openly.
I grew up in an environment where Biblical morality and decency was the norm, but having to live with the pressure of knowing I dared not openly support conservative causes was not fun. For the most part, I just kept my mouth shut and did my job since it didn’t require talking about politics to perform my duties. The thing I noticed most, however, was that the leftists were quick to raise their voices to push their points, and heaped their scorn on conservatives who were so-called fools for their beliefs. Intimidation was definitely a part of the process.
It’s one thing to practice your rights to free speech. Healthy debate is a good thing. It’s an entirely different matter to threaten another’s life with some kind of violent backlash if there is a disagreement in ideas and values.
I think it boils down to the motivator behind each point of view. The Left seems to thrive on the hate and discontent and is cocked and locked for violence if they are opposed. The whole of their argument appears to be swept up by the emotion rather than facts. Those on the Right, on the other hand, typically exhibit reason, and thoughtfulness, and fact-finding, and if the other side doesn’t agree, they can respectfully agree to disagree and go their way.
CBS has shown their true colors now (as if we didn’t already know), so it seems we will have to thank them if we hear of more violent attacks from liberals against conservatives.