Kirsters Baish| Opinion| On Wednesday, Fox News host Sean Hannity revealed that his inside sources have told him that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has finished his probe into allegations of FISA abuse… and what has been found is “devastating.” reports:
Speaking last night with his guests, former Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz and Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, Hannity said, “I have sources telling me that Horowitz perhaps is even finished with his report and certainly the attorney general has been briefed on what is coming.”
Later in the show, the Fox News host spoke with Sen. Lindsey Graham, where he reiterated his claims about Horowitz.
“I’m also hearing Horowitz is done and it’s devastating,” Hannity stated.
Graham answered, “I can’t verify if Horowitz is done. I can’t tell you what he found. But I can tell you that if you care about the rule of law you’re going to be very upset about how the DOJ and FBI behaved themselves during the 2016 election.
He went on, “If you hate Trump, you won’t care. If you love the rule of law, you’ll be very upset.”
The Washington Examiner reports, “The completion of Horowitz’s investigation would be news. Attorney General William Barr recently predicted that it would be complete in either late May or June, but there has been no official word of its progress since. A Justice Department spokesperson declined to comment”.
The Examiner explains:
Horowitz announced his investigation in March 2018 in a statement that said his office was examining the Justice Department’s and FBI’s compliance with legal requirements as well as policies and procedures in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to Page as part of a larger counterintelligence probe into President Trump’s campaign. Horowitz also said he would “review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.” This “alleged FBI confidential source” is British ex-spy Christopher Steele, who authored the unverified dossier on Trump’s ties to Russia that was used by the FBI in the Page warrant applications.