Opinion| Just when you think the Democrat freshmen Congresswomen are more interested in the well being of non citizens then they are of Americans, one says something like this and removes all doubt.
Omar has been in the limelight for sometime now because of her constant “gaffes”. I put gaffes in quotes because I believe they are not a mistake, they are really just Ilhan’s mask slipping, letting the public see who she really is and what she really thinks about America, Americans, and our place in the world.
Whether she is deriding Israel, defending jihadis, or condemning our President and American values, you can usually find Omar tashing everything that once made America great.
Tuesday was no exception: Star Tribune reported:
Controversial Congresswoman Ilhan Omar weighed-in on America’s foreign policy debate Tuesday; bizarrely saying the United States’ role in the world should be re-organized from the “perspective of a foreigner.”
“U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar has aggressively pursued a foreign policy legacy in her first five months in office, drawing sharp blowback from the Trump administration as she seeks to be a prominent voice on world affairs,” reports the Star Tribune.
“When I think about foreign policy, we need something equivalent to the Green New Deal,” Omar said. “It’s important for me to think about what an overhaul of our foreign policy should look like from the standpoint of really thinking how it impacts those around the world, and where our values intersect with what’s happening.”
“We spend a lot of money in engaging unwinnable wars, and I don’t think it matches with the values of trying to create prosperity in the United States,” she added, claiming she brings “the perspective of a foreigner” to policy-making decisions.
Omar made national headlines late last week when she viciously mocked supporters of President Trump across the country; calling GOP voters “ignorant.”
Omar was speaking with the liberal podcast ‘Next Left’ when she was asked to comment on the current immigration debate in the country.
“There are agencies that run the resettlement program. This is a process that’s run through them. If you end that contract, it’s not that refugees are not going to be resettled, it’s that the state just doesn’t get informed,” Omar said. “And so the only leverage you have is that you are part of this contract and you can be part of the negotiations on how many people get resettled in your state.”
“And so it is not that they might not be knowledgeable about this, but they use it as a tool to stir up hate and division. And ignorance really is pervasive in many parts of this country. And as someone who was raised by educators, I really like to inform people about things that they might be ignorant to, willingly or unwillingly,” Omar continued. Read more here.