Opinion| It seems like only yesterday that we were writing stories about Ilhan Omar and her non-stop string of embarrassing “gaffes.”
Well, that’s because it was yesterday. With a new dawn comes a new, ignorant, offensive and troubling statement from the Muslim Democrat Congresswoman from Minnesota.
There is a dirty little secret in the Democratic Party and I am going to let you in on it. Democrats think minorities are dumb and not capable of success. This is why they are always pushing for some sort of special treatment for them instead of letting them compete on their merits.
Conservatives and Libertarians agree with the Declaration of Independence, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. We want to make sure there is a level playing field when the game begins as opposed to the left, who seems to be more focused on redistribution of results. After all this is the basic premise of Socialism, is it not?
After President Trump set forth his plan for a merit based immigration system, Democrats lost their marbles. Merit based? It surely can not not be fair to judge people by the content of their character! We need to give gang members a chance too!
Omar uncloaked again this week when she suggested that humans from Latin America are lesser than the rest of us and would not be competitive in a merit based immigration system.
The Daily Caller reported:
“A ‘merit based’ immigration policy is fueled toward the Latinx community,” Omar said in a now-deleted tweet. “Our immigration policies shouldn’t be based on discrimination, fear, or bigotry.”
“We should welcome immigrants to our country and offer a simple pathway to citizenship,” she added.
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz fired back at Omar for implying that people immigrating from Central and South America were not as smart or skilled as people immigrating from other countries.
“As the son of a Cuban immigrant whose Dad came to get a math degree & become a computer programmer, I’m troubled that Dems seem to believe Hispanic immigrants can’t qualify for skills-based legal immigration,” Cruz said. “Bringing in more scientists, engineers & doctors is good for US jobs.”
You can always count on Ted Cruz to call out the BS and stand on principle.