The host of ABC’s “The View” took aim at President Donald Trump for his comments regarding former Vice President and current 2020 Democratic candidate, Joe Biden.
Trump made some less than flattering comments about Biden, after North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un also took a shot at the former vice president.
Because Trump agreed with Jong-un about his fellow American, Behar insinuated that Trump had gone against his own principles by doing so.
Trump said while he was appearing in Japan that he might agree with Jong-un when he called Biden a “low I.Q.” fool.
He probably is, based on his record,” Trump said. “I think I agree with him on that,” he added.
Behar began by saying that “they don’t even care that Russia interfered in our election” talking about the Republican leadership. “If it would have been a Democrat, their hair would have been on fire,” she added.
Behar also pointed out that Trump had also tweeted similar comments about Biden:
“I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe [Biden] a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?” he tweeted on Saturday.
“But here’s the thing I was thinking about,” the co-host went on. “You know, he’s like a Mobster, right? Trump. And he broke the cardinal rule of being a mobster, you don’t talk about the family outside of the family.”
“Check out the godfather before you got North Korea and start bad-mouthing a former vice president of the United States. It’s just despicable.”
Co-host Sonny Hostin continued the metaphor, saying “but he doesn’t consider Joe Biden to be part of the family, that’s the problem.
“He seems to consider Kim Jong-un part of the family,” Hostin went on. “Because he’s I guess you know said nice things about Trump, and so if you say something nice about Trump, you become part of the family.