Opinion – Mark Sidney – Many of you reading this are going to be elated this morning, as it would appear that Trey Gowdy is back, and with a more important role that ever.
The former Prosecutor turned Congressman had developed a reputation for using some of the most aggressive language when it came to spyg*te, Benghazi, the DS and, well, any battle his party was facing. Gowdy seemed ready to indict the whole lot, but, as you well know, that never happened.
Some were disappointed with the lack or action on Spyg*te when Gowdy described what had happened, events that seemed criminal and to test the very fabric of our republic & Constitution, and nothing happened. No indictments, nothing.
I have to admit, by the end of Gowdy’s tenure I was a little sour on him seeing as no one had faced and real justice at that time.
However, now that time has passed, and with this new AG Barr and prosecutor Durham, I can see how it may not have been just not been the time to bring out the info. Perhaps the cases were being built, the evidence still being collected, the dominoes being set up, perhaps for a time just like we are experiencing now. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt.
His recent appearances on TV have been explosive and news making. He seems to have intricate knowledge of the plots against the President and knows where to look and who to compel to testify if necessary.
Well, it appears that Gowdy is back, at least according to Bloomberg:
‘Donald Trump has enlisted former Representative Trey Gowdy to work with the White House team combating the U.S. House’s impeachment inquiry into the president, people familiar with the matter said on Tuesday.
Gowdy, a former prosecutor from South Carolina, is not formally joining the White House staff, according to the people. He was at the White House on Tuesday, according to one person who saw him there, before an eight-page letter was issued to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declaring that Trump and the administration wouldn’t participate in the impeachment inquiry.
Gowdy rose to prominence leading a special House panel investigating the attacks on an American diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.”
The article implies that Gowdy may have been the architect of the President’s strategy of righting impeachment but not participating until a resolution is passed and the Constitutional provisions for impeachment are satisfied.
Hopefully Trey Gowdy is one of the few good men in politics and that we can trust him to carry out this most important duty. Are you happy with Trump tapping Gowdy for help fighting the newest wave of slings and arrows from the DS? Let us know on Speely.com