Opinion | Lawrence D| The two Blackberries belonging to Joseph Mifsud have SIM card IDs linked to the United Kingdom.
The public first became aware of the SIM card IDs when Lt. General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell submitted a court filing identifying two Blackberries she believed holds evidence exculpatory for her client.
The two Blackberries belonging to Joseph Mifsud have SIM card IDs linked to the United Kingdom.
The public first became aware of the SIM card IDs when Lt. General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell submitted a court filing identifying two Blackberries she believed holds evidence exculpatory for her client.
As evidence mounts that Britain’s MI6 and GCHQ assets and coordination were at the heart of the illegal spying operation waged against Donald Trump as early as 2015, it became increasingly important to maintain the ruse that Joseph Mifsud was a Russian asset.
His phones seem to tell a different story, though not definitively. In all fairness, this could be a counterintel misdirection ploy.
Mifsud, realizing he was less of a threat to the Spygate conspirators if he was dead than alive, and went into hiding when the story that he was a Russian operative began circulating.
However, a somewhat sketchy connection to George Soros surface when his membership in the European Council on Foreign Relations (EFCR) was noticed.
George Soros’ Open Borders Society is among the leading contributors to the ECFR.
Mifsud was always believed to be a Western intelligence asset and the identifying IDs on his phone may offer additional more proof of that.
Mifsud’s status as a Western- not Russian – asset is probably the reason special counsel Robert Mueller had no answer when Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked him why he never charged Joseph Mifsud at a time when he was indicting every Russian he could identify.
Additionally, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed George Soros was also involved with Ukraine in an effort to influence the 2016 presidential election in Hillary Clinton’s favor.
This was first reported by left-leaning Politico prior to President Trump’ inauguration.
What Politico didn’t report, was the role the cyber security firm Crowdstrike played in the Russian collusion hoax, even though Crowdstrike’s involvement in the hoax was already known.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday on September 22nd, Mr. Giuliani said:
“Ukrainian collusion, which was large, significant and proven. With Hillary Clinton. With the Democratic National Committee. A woman named Chalupa. With the ambassador. With an FBI agent who has now been hired by George Soros who has been funding a lot of this.
If/when Mifsud is shown to be a Western intelligence asset – he was/is – the originating premise for the Russian collusion investigation disappears.
And if/when Ukraine turns the DNC server over to the FBI for a non-political examination by the world’s most advanced forensic cyber security investigators, and it is proven that Russia had no role in hacking it, the entire premise of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative will collapse, completely.
It is then that the role of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s attempt to compromise the 2016 presidential election to protect the corrupt financial schemes of the Washington elites will finally be recognized by the greatest number of Americans.
Those Americans willing to open their eyes to the facts.
Stay tuned…Things are getting interesting.