OPINION| Mark Sidney| One of my personal heroes, Edward Snowden, the man who risked EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, to tell the American people that they WE ARE ALL BEING MONITORED, just laid bare the totalitarian tactics of two top Obama admin officials, Joe Biden and John Kerry.
In case you have been living in a cave for the last 10 years, all of our communications are/’were’ being monitored and stored via the ‘Stellar Wind” program at the NSA, as another one of my heroes, Bill Binney risked his life to expose following 9/11.
The fearless Ann Vandersteel, of Steeltruth.com has the American icon on her show back in October of 2018:
Binney was the ‘original Snowden.’ The former Technical head of the NSA, who has been described as the ‘world’s foremost expert on metadata’ risked his freedom, to tell the public just how off the rails the intel community had gone in their quest for total information awareness, and expose their contractors insatiable appetite for profits, at all costs to our God given rights.
Binney was an advisor to Oliver Stone on his blockbuster movie, ‘Snowden,’ and was the subject of a documentary by Stone, entitled “The Good American.”
Speaking of Snowden, the Patriot gave a rare interview to NBC fake news man, Brian Williams in which he implied John Kerry and Joe Biden committed ‘human rights’ violations by threatening our allies who were considering offering the whistleblower asylum.
Here is a transcript of the relevant part of the interview via Real Clear Politics:
“EDWARD SNOWDEN: Well, this is not an actively seeking, this is not a new thing. And this is important history, especially for those people who don’t like me. For those people who doubt me, who have heard terrible things about me. It was never my intention to end up in Russia.
I was going to Latin America and my final destination was hopefully going to be Ecuador. I applied for asylum in 27 different countries around the world. Places like France and Germany, places like Norway, that I felt the U.S. government and the American public could be comfortable, that was fine for a whistleblower to be in, and yet every time one of these governments got close to opening their doors, the phone would ring in their foreign ministries and on the other end of the line would be a very senior American official.
It was one of two people. Then-Secretary of State John Kerry or then vice president Joe Biden. And they would say, look, we don’t know what the law is, we don’t care if you can do this or not, we understand that protecting whistleblowers is a matter of human rights and you could do this if you want to. But if you protect this man, if you let this guy out of Russia, there will be consequences. We’re not going to say what they’re going to be, but there will be a response.
I continue, to this day, to say, look, if the United States government, if these countries, are willing to open the door, that is not a hostile act. That is the act of a friend. If anything, if the United States continue is so concerned about Russia, right, shouldn’t they be happy for me to leave? And yet we see they’re trying so hard to prevent me from leaving. I would ask you, why is that?” The Interview first aired back in September: