Opinion| Mark Sidney| Perhaps the biggest mistake the Democrats, and those involved in what we believe to be a form of a coup against President Trump, have made, is using Mueller as the front for their operation.
It is beyond my comprehension how Adam Schiff, Pelosi and others in the Democrat party and the RINOs, which we believe were also involved in the attempt to subvert our Constitutional Republic, thought that rolling Mueller out there in front of Congress and the American people was a good idea.
Do you remember when Mueller, the man who was charged with digging the dirt on Trump, which was all predicated upon a report compiled by Fusion GPS as I understand it, claimed that he was ‘not familiar‘ with Fusion GPS?
Here is the clip:
Not familiar with Fusion GPS? Ok, in my view, that makes Mueller one of three things, incompetent, corrupt or senile.
I know about Fusion GPS, I would venture to guess that at least 100,000,000 (100 million) Americans know about the organization, yet the man who we were told led the investigation, which cost taxpayers well over $20,000,000, in an effort to overthrow our duly elected President, never came across them?
Perhaps he should have read this Fox News article entitled: “Fusion GPS’s ties to Clinton campaign, Russia investigation: What to know.” The article is from 2018 for crying out loud!
Not to mention the fact that this is the firm that was paid to produce the ‘dossier’ (read: opposition research gather from Russian intel assets, among others) which Mueller’s entire ‘witch hunt’ was allegedly based off of.

Via: Fox News
Maybe someone can forward this ^^^ to the Special Counsel.
Anyway, why is this revenant? Because, I believe it is illustrative of what appears to me to be, 0 interest on the part of Mueller and company, in uncovering the TRUTH about the attempted coup against Trump.
Mueller’s house of cards was built on a foundation of deceit IMHO, and because of the inadequate and unjust foundation, cracks are starting to show in all aspect of the ‘witch hunt’ …
Via The Range: Clueless Protesters Want to Impeach Tump
The Hill reports:
Judge rules DOJ improperly redacted court filing related to Mueller probe
The Department of Justice improperly redacted a court filing related to the Mueller investigation and must reveal the names of two individuals who figured prominently in the probe, a federal judge in Washington ruled on Thursday.
Judge Beryl Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said in her opinion that the department erroneously redacted a portion of a document after invoking grand jury secrecy protections, even though the two names that were concealed belonged to individuals who did not testify before a grand jury during the Mueller probe.
“DOJ’s assertion that identifying individuals who did not testify before the grand jury as part of the Mueller investigation would reveal ‘a matter occurring before the grand jury’ is without merit and rejected,” Howell wrote.
According to the judge, who was appointed by former President Obama, both of the people whose names were redacted “figured in key events examined in the Mueller Report.”
Howell said that it does not appear that the same redaction error was made in the report that former Special Counsel Robert Mueller gave to Congress earlier this year.”
Improperly concealing information from the public usually, in my opinion, means the party concealing is up to no good.
The IG report is coming …. I am hearing that in under 2 weeks big things will be happening. I know that we have been hearing these rumors for a while now, but I have this on good authority that the sword of Damocles is about to drop.
Stay tuned for more.