Op Ed| Mark Sidney: It has been reported by the Western Journal among others, that the ‘whistleblower’ (who did not him/herself actually wittness anything, i.e., based on hearsay) may have made a critical mistake when filing their paperwork.
Apparently, the CIA agent who filed the complaints neglected to disclose some very relevant information.
The Western Journal reports:
Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson reportedly admitted to lawmakers Friday that he never bothered to look into the connection between the whistleblower and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.
This isn’t because Atkinson forgot to do so
Rather, it’s because the whistleblower never bothered to disclose his communication with the California Democrat.
Per Catherine Herridge: IC Inspector General told lawmakers the whistleblower did not disclose contact w Schiff/Committee staff – so IG never looked into it. IG “had no knowledge of it”.
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) October 4, 2019
According to Fox News, Atkinson said he “had no knowledge” of the contact between the whistleblower and Schiff’s office.
It seems hard for me to believe that the IG did not ask ‘who else have you shared this information with’ of the ‘whistleblower.’ Either way, someone is culpable. So, as I see it, either the IG should have asked and did not, or he knew and neglected to include that data, or the ‘whistleblower’ lied to the IG and claimed he had no contact with team Schiff.
The Federalist’s Sean Davis, who has been on fire breaking stories recently, wrote on Twitter”
“The form submitted by the complainant required him to disclose all contacts he had regarding his allegations,”
“If he failed to disclose those interactions with Schiff before filing the complaint, he could be subject to felony false statement charges,”
Western continued: “According to 18 U.S. Code § 1001, anyone who “falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact” might be guilty of making a false statement.
By all appearances, failing to disclose a major contact on the complaint form seems to fit the bill here.
According to what Davis later wrote for The Federalist, an official confirmed that the whistleblower hid his connection to Schiff.”
The importance of this information can be inferred by how much real estate it takes up on the disclosure form — an entire page. According to Davis, the section was left blank.
There have already been concerns about the ‘whistleblower’s’ complaint due to the fact it is based on hearsay, the person who filed the report, a CIA agent we are told (I smell Obama’s CIA chief Brennan, personally) did not actually witness the call.
If Schiff has nothing to conceal, why did he lie/misdirect about his team’s contact with the whistleblower? Something is rotten in the Democratic Party and it’s starting to fester …