Opinion| Mark Sidney| ICYMI| 11/19 |Recently fired former Fox Newsman, Shepard Smith, who lost favor with many of his viewers after constantly bashing President Trump, is back in the spotlight.
Shepard, who is known for his unabashed style of reporting, has been lambasted by Trump supporters who see Smith as unfair in his treatment of President Trump.
I have to admit I used to enjoy watching Shep, but when he turned against Trump I lost interest in watching him opine.
I understand that some people find Trump’s off the cuff style off putting, but at the end of the day, we must go to war with the army you have. A few off color remarks by Trump here and there is no where near as important as the fact that he has the corrupt DC DS on the run and fearing that the allegations against them will be proven in a court of law.
Perhaps the thing that I like most, or one of the things I like most about Trump, the thing that I keep going back to when the media tries to gaslight me into thinking Trump is evil, is the fact that all the people who I think are the problem in Washington, all the people who I think are corrupt, seem scared s***less of the man.
If you have RINO Romney AND Adam Schiff working against you, you must be doing something right. Especially when you are on the trail of their corruption and they keep launching coup after coup against you.
In my view, Trump poses an existential threat to the DS. I think Trump now knows that there is no peace to be had with the DS, this is a metaphorical (hopefully only metaphorical, I would not put anything past the DS if they think their alleged crimes are on the verge of being exposed), kill or be killed situation.
Anyway, back to Shep …
Smith, made his first public appearance since getting kicked to the curb by Fox. The former anchor announced that he is donating $500,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalism, the Hollywood Reporter has stated.
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting:
Ok, I like the cause, as journalism is the foundation of our Republic, this is why people call it the ‘4th estate.’ However, the narrative that Trump is threatening the free press by calling them out when they refuse to cover the truth and try to hoodwink the American people, and the world, is not just absurd, it is dangerous.
Let me be clear, I do not think the press, even those who pose as ‘unbiased’ while shoving opinion and bias down our throats, should be silenced. I think they are making a huge error in deceiving their audiences, and as Sun Tzu explained, one should never interrupt their enemy when they are making a mistake.
However, beyond the tactical belief that it is in our interests to let the MSM tie their own noose, the Operation Mockingbird media also has the same God given right to express their views, even if they are deceptive in doing so, IMHO.
The arena of ideas must be protected, and we must have confidence that the best ideas will prevail. All we ask is that no one puts their finger on the scale.