Opinion| Mark Sidney| We have all been waiting, for what feels like far too long now, for justice to come to those who we believe sought to fix the 2016 election and have since been involved in a de facto coup d’etat against President Trump.
I know that I have heard many, many times that ‘this is it’, that the hammer is about to drop … yet nothing has happened.
Trump called for a full declassification, and gave AG Barr the authority to do so, yet this has not happened as of today.
Even when we have gotten a criminal referral for McCabe, they went unprosecuted.
Now there could be a couple reasons why this is so.
One is that the DOJ lacks the balls to do a damn thing, and the leadership is still compromised.
The other reason, the one I have been told is the REAL reason McCabe has gone un indicted, publicly at least, is that he is cooperating to roll up the entire network of evil doers who sought to tarnish our Republic and its electoral system.
Perhaps the most important journalist of our time, Sara Carter, dropped a nuke today when she suggested that ‘Criminal Referrals’ are about to be handed down.
“Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s much anticipated report on his investigation into the FBI’s probe into President Trump’s campaign is expected to be made public before Thanksgiving and the outcome is alleged to contain several criminal referrals, according to sources who spoke with SaraACarter.com.
Horowitz’s investigation on the bureau’s probe into the now debunked theory that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election will more than likely result in the declassification of documents — requested by senior Republican lawmakers for more than several years. These are the same documents President Trump turned over to Attorney General William Barr in May, giving him ‘full and complete authority” to declassify.
Those documents will contain several classified pages of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, exculpatory evidence that was withheld from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the so-called ‘Gang of Eight’ folder (which contained exculpatory information), as well as the email chain between FBI investigators in the Russia probe and then-FBI Director James Comey. Those emails also include discussions with lawyers in the DOJ’s national security division. As previously reported, the email chains will contain information that prove the FBI knew prior to obtaining a warrant to spy on Page that former British spy Christopher Steele’s information in his infamous dossier on Trump could not be proven. “
Boom goes the dynamite!
Now we are talking!
If Ms. Carter is right, and in my experience, Sara is usually right over the target, then our patience is about to pay off … ‘bigly’
Sara Carter goes on:
“It is also expected to reveal that the FBI knew that Steele was leaking to the media but then used those media reports as separate evidence in their request for a FISA warrant, known as circular intelligence reporting. Circular reporting is when a law enforcement official uses false confirmation by making a piece of information appear to come from multiple independent sources.”
Do you remember when Pelosi described this process?
I’m not saying she is admitting to participating in this, I’m just saying she explained how it works.
You can decide for yourself if she uses this tactic:
Horowitz’s report is also going to contain evidence that the FBI handled Hillary Clinton’s campaign differently than that of President Trump’s campaign. It will reveal that she had received a detailed debriefing from the FBI on foreign attempts to make contact with her campaign. It will reveal the deep bias and animus those FBI officials had toward the Trump campaign.
It is the most highly anticipated Horowitz report during the Trump administration’s tenure. Why? Because for more than three years the American people have not had closure or resolution to what exactly warranted the FBI investigation to spy on a presidential campaign, or for that matter on the President.”
So, this seems to be it, I should have realized that Trump was going to wait for 2020 to bring the most damaging political artillery to the battlefield, but here we are and it’s better late than never!
You can read the rest of Sara Carter’s report HERE.