
Talk Show Host, Trevor Noah, Asks Hillary “How Did You Kill Jeffrey Epstein?” [Video]

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  Here is a clip that is making the rounds today.

‘Comedy Central’ … ironic name considering every time I happen to land on this station it seems more like a played out, anti-Trump, propaganda machine, but hey, to each, their own.

Noah, who is an unapologetic Trump hater, had Hillary Clinton join him on his show … whatever it’s called.  I think he took over Jon Stewart’s show, but I don’t care enough to Google it.

‘Comedian’ and host of “The Daily Show,” (ok, I looked it up) Trevor Noah took the time to mock the ‘conspiracy theories’ surrounding child predator/longtime Clinton family friend Jeffrey Epstein’s death.

Trevor tried to turn the idea that Epstein was killed because of what he knew, into a joke and lobbed up a softball to Hillary, suggesting that those who question Epstein’s death, and Hillary’s ‘sainthood’ are somehow crazy.

Just to be clear, we are not suggesting that HRC or her ‘crime family’ had Epstein killed.  In fairness, it did work out pretty well for the Clintons considering Bill Clinton’s, over two dozen, trips on Epstein’s jet, dubbed by the media as “The Lolita Express.’  However, that is not evidence of a crime.

“I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while: How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?” the South African host asked during the Comedy Central interview that was aired on Thursday.

Hillary’s body language struck me as interesting.  Although I will let you draw your own conclusions, you can watch the clip below. HRC and her daughter Chelsea, who were on the show to promote Chelsea’s new book.

The “Daily Show Host” went on to call Clinton a “boogeyman” to the right.

“Because you’re not in power but you have all the power. I really need to understand how you do what you do, because you seem to be behind everything nefarious, and yet you do not use it to become president,” Noah said.

Ok, this I can not let go without as comment.  This is the most absurd gaslighting that I have seen since … yesterday most likely.

We are starting to learn that maybe HRC and Obama’s henchmen DID in fact seek to use their power to hand the election to Hillary.  All the evidence is yet to be weighed, but I believe we will learn that the plan to listen in on Trump’s campaign went all the way to the top.  However, at this point, it is still just speculation.

Hillary laughed and answered that she has been “constantly” shocked by the conspiracy allegations made against her family.

I can imagine how shocking it must be that people are looking into how a family who has been in ‘public service’ (they have been ‘servicing’ us alright,) for decades, was able to rack up such a large fortune.


It’s crazy that people would ask questions about Vince Foster, Juanita Broaddrick, Epstein and all the other former friends and associates of the Clinton’s who have wound up either discredited in the media and/or dead.

The things they say, and now, of course, it’s on steroids with being online, are so ridiculous, beyond any imagination that I could have. And yet they are so persistent in putting forth these crazy ideas and theories. Honestly, I don’t know what I ever did to get them to upset. … I’ve gotten kind of used to it,” Hillary insisted.

Hillary’s daughter, Chelsea, stated that there is a “constant erosion of truth and sanity” in terms of political discourse.  Now, THAT is the most ironic thing I have ever heard.

According to Fox News, “Questions persist about the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death after famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden said this week that the autopsy was more consistent with homicide than suicide.”

Does that mean it was the Clinton’s?  Of course not.  If what they say about Epstein is true, there were a lot of uber powerful people, with virtually unlimited resources, both financially, and ….otherwise, who wanted to see Jeffery dead.

Take a look at the clip below:

Via Fox:

“Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation,” Baden, who is also a Fox News contributor, said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday.

The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office on Wednesday stood by its conclusion that Epstein’s death was caused by suicide by hanging.”

I think it is likely that someone killed Epstein, someone who did not want Epstein to talk, someone with a ton of money and political power, someone with dirt on everyone.

If Epstein was in fact murdered as Dr. Baden suggests, then it comes to WHO that person was, and I would not hold my breath waiting to find out.  Whoever it was is likely ‘above the law.’  It’s worth noting that, suicide is the official story when it comes to Epstein’s death.  As always, you can decide what you want to believe.

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