OPINION| Lawrence David| It’s long been the contention at Patriot Crier that under the leadership of the Clintons and Barack Obama every possible U.S. asset was for sale.
We believe that under the watchful eye of Clinton and Obama, Democrats put out the open for business sign and began fielding offers from corporations and foreign governments looking to feed at the trough of the U.S. taxpayer and to advance their own agendas.
Agendas that were often antithetical to established American ideals.
Conservative, Michael Coudrey, has called attention to another lucrative deal that sure looks like quid pro quo, which took place during the previous administration. This one involved President Obama himself and it may have advanced Obama’s plan to ‘fundamentally change” America.
Coudrey notes the likelihood that the benefit to Pierson Publishing extended way beyond the $350 Million federal contract and is likely to run into Billions of dollars in sales after factoring in the lucrative state contracts that will follow.
Sixty-five million dollars is a small commission to pay for a multi-billion dollar deal. It is an unconscionable amount for a book advance and smacks of payback for past “considerations.”
In the effort to suggest that Pierson was betting big on the success of Obama’s forthcoming book, hard-left publisher VOX inadvertently explained how recouping a $65MM advance was impossible.
… here’s a very rough, extremely simplified idea of how a publisher calculates how much to pay an author and still make money.
Imagine you’re an acquiring editor who wants to publish a new book. Based on the sales history of other, similar books, you feel confident that you can sell 10,000 copies of the new book. You figure you can set the price at $20, and you’re offering the author royalties of 10 percent of the book’s list price, so the author will receive $2 for every book sold.
That means it’s safe for you to offer the author an advance of $20,000 when you acquire the book. The author receives that money upfront, and nothing else until the book has sold more than 10,000 copies, at which point the author has “earned out.” The remaining $18 for every book sold are split between the publisher and the distributors to cover their own costs and contribute to their profit margin.
For the Obamas to earn out their $65 million advance, they will most likely need to sell at least several million copies all together. And in an industry where selling 100,000 copies of a title is enough to make it a respectable bestseller, that’s not chump change. For comparison’s sake, the third-best-selling book of 2014 sold 573,000 copies.
$65 million is a small price to pay for a foreign power to be given clearance to indoctrinate American youth with Marxist ideology…
(Education News) … For those of us who are old enough either to remember World War II or to have had parents who remembered it well, we know Hitler knew exactly how to change the face of Germany and even of the world: It is done through indoctrinating children’s minds. This is exactly what has happened in America through Obama’s Common Core Standards….
… Included in the Marxist/socialist/Communist indoctrination of the Common Core Standards is the “social justice agenda” which includes the very deceptive, dangerous, and many times deadly LGBTQ lifestyle…
… AP products were given a decidedly leftist, identity politics slant in recent revisions. These classes educate the nation’s top third of students and for many are the last history classes they ever take. Especially well-educated and high-income parents trust them as a way to get their kids a leg up on college and thus life. Yet they are rapidly being corrupted by leftist ideology….
Tick Tock Barry …