(SaraCarter.com) A new story out of Italy suggests that an infamous audio file allegedly sent by Mifsud to two Italian papers is believed to be fake, according to reporters who had it analyzed by one of Italy’s top forensic experts. The audio file is not the same deposition audio file that is in the possession of the Department of Justice and the Senate Judiciary Committee, in which Mifsud allegedly describes the work he was doing and why he targeted George Papadopoulos. The last anyone has heard from Mifsud was the Spring of 2018….
… However, a detailed story by the reputable and well known Italian news outlet Il Giornale, Italian journalists Roberto Vivaldelli and Mauro Indelicato, suggest that sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, who brought charges on Mifsud in another criminal matter associated with his work at a public university in Italy, believe he is dead.
OPINION| Lawrence David| Mifsud is the Western intelligence asset who the CIA used to “dirty up” Trump campaign associate George Papadopoulos and then used as the reason to justify starting Crossfire Hurricane, the counterintelligence operation that allowed the FBI to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign.
Mifsud has been in hiding since Trump’s election and was reported to have died last year. Now again this year.
In early October of this year, U.S. Attorney General William Barr and U.S. attorney John Durham traveled to Rome where they retrieved the authenticated audio file referenced above.
Carlson and Cates are referring to two Blackberries that belonged to Joseph Mifsud. Both phones still had SIM card IDs linked to the United Kingdom.
Evidence continues to mount that Mifsud was connected to and was an asset of Britain’s MI6 and GCHQ and was at the heart of the illegal spying operation waged against Donald Trump as early as 2015.
Now, Durham is reportedly closing in on seeking criminal indictments for those intelligence community operatives who falsely claimed that Mifsud was a Russian agent in order to establish the predicate for starting the counterintelligence investigation that was used to satisfy the FISA Court in order to allow surveillance of Donald Trump.
Mifsud’s status as a Western- not Russian – asset is probably the reason special counsel Robert Mueller had no answer when Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked him why he never charged Joseph Mifsud at a time when he was indicting every Russian he could identify.
As their defense crumbles, we begin to wonder who might want Mifsud dead and whether the new audio file is meant to muddy the waters to discredit the authenticity of the file that Barr and Durham brought back from Rome and is still their possession.
Just two hours ago George Papadopoulos added his voice to the discussion:
Lil Joey Mifsud is not sleeping with the fishes. More to come.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) December 20, 2019
Obviously, there’s more to come…