The Democrats are ready to file two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstructing Congress.
They have proven neither charge, which is surprising considering how one-sided the rules of engagement have been and the fact that only Democrat witnesses get to testify.
After a solid week to a week and a half of throwing the word bribery around as a foregone conclusion, they have dropped that as an article of impeachment.
The first article of impeachment is Abuse of Power, a term not found in the Constitution and whose foundation is absurd when applied to a president of the United States.
Obstruction of Congress is equally absurd, considering the Democrats aren’t doing anything, so how can they be obstructed?
President Trump lives rent-free inside their heads.
Impeachment is dead the moment it gets to the floor of the Senate, but under no circumstances should Republicans avoid a trial.
It is vitally important that all the facts that were hidden in the House be exposed for the lies that they are in the Senate, so voters can see for themselves what the Democrats are.
Then all GOP ads will contain one question. “Do you really want four more years of impeachment?”
Noticeably absent from The Post’s report on what Democrats will introduce articles of impeachment on was “bribery,” which is what their entire impeachment effort has centered around as they have claimed that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a July 25 phone call.
CNN reported that Democrats were debating adding a third article of impeachment for “obstruction of justice.”
Late last month, far-left Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA) claimed that Trump’s attempts to use the court system to resolve legal matters was “obstruction of justice.”
“So we are not going to allow the president to use obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress to stop us by saying, well, we need to call more witnesses,” Jayapal continued. “We have had so many witnesses, including the president of the United States, the key early witness to exactly what happened.”