The Democrat group, America Bridge, a Democrat-supporting political action committee, or PAC, is spending five million dollars to promote Pennsylvania native Mark Graham as someone who voted for Trump in 2016, but has since had buyers remorse and will not vote for Trump in 2020.
The only problem is Graham didn’t even bother to vote in 2016.
Now, the question becomes, will the Democrats continue with their ad campaign knowing it is fake?
Look at what they did on Russian collusion and the current impeachment proceedings.
Graham himself admits that he did not vote in 2016, but he says the sentiment he conveyed in the ads was genuine.
But how could it be when the narrative is a lie?
America Bridge has been told by the Republicans to pull the deceptive ads. Who knows if they will?
Via Penn Live:
An Erie County man who describes regret over voting for President Donald Trump in 2016 didn’t vote for him, according to news organizations that checked his voting record.
Mark Graham is featured in videos created by America Bridge, a Democrat-supporting political action committee, or PAC.
The ads are part of a $5 million advertising campaign being waged by American Bridge in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Graham says in an ad, “I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I thought he would make a change.”
Asked whether change has occurred, Graham replies, “Not for the good.” Graham later states Trump “plays favorites for people like himself … He doesn’t understand life around here.”…
…In a subsequent interview, Graham told Erie News Now he’s a registered Republican who participated in a focus group involving Republicans who supported Democrat Ron DiNicola in his unsuccessful 2018 run for U.S. Congress.
Graham told the focus group re-electing Trump would be like “throwing gasoline on a fire.”
That led to The New York Times featuring Graham in two stories about dissatisfied Trump voters and swing voters, and apparently to him being contacted by American Bridge.
The New York Times has attached corrections to both stories stating it confirmed Graham did not vote in the election. Graham has said his statements in the ad reflect his true feelings about Trump.
The Republican Party of Pennsylvania has called for American Bridge to take down the ad and apologize.