Yesterday, James Comey took a victory lap, claiming that the IG report exonerated him of all wrongdoing. Today, Michael Horowitz walked all over that claim with big heavy boots.
Sen Lindsey Graham asked Horowitz point blank if his report exonerated Comey and e said, “I think the activities don’t vindicate anybody who touched this.”
Graham then read off a list of statements from Comey claiming that the FISA process was not abused and he asked the IG if he would agree with that. Horowitz denied this and said he found significant problems with the process. Graham then said no one should listen to Comey in that case.
james Comey is neck deep in the FISA abuse scandal and he is nothing more that a smug little bureaucrat that will probably have real problems adjusting to life in the prison they eventually send him to.
DOJ IG Horowitz was not permitted to question Comey. He can only interview employees of the FBI or former employees with security clearances. Comey allowed his security clearance to lapse so he didn’t have to testify to Horowitz, but he will have to for John Durham.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz shot down James Comey’s claim that the IG report on FISA abuses vindicates the former FBI director.
“I think the activities don’t vindicate anybody who touched this,” Horowitz told Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham while testifying Wednesday morning.
Graham then read a series of statements from Comey, in which the former FBI director called the notion that the FISA process was “abused” nonsense before asking Horowitz if he takes “issue” with Comey’s claim.
The inspector general answered that his investigation uncovered “significant problems.”
“So when Comey speaks about FISA, you shouldn’t listen,” Graham added. “You should listen to Mr. Horowitz. He’s not vindicated. And to be concerned about the FISA warrant process is not nonsense.”
During his opening statement Wednesday, Graham said he hoped Carter Page “sues the hell” out of the Justice Department.