“It’s The Economy, Stupid” – Bill Clinton
Opinion| Lawrence David| There’s a reason that Bill Clinton, facing impeachment, won reelection on that slogan.
When all the rhetoric espousing the pros and cons of each candidate has been absorbed by voters to the point of anger and confusion, one truth remains. Am I better off financially than I was four years ago?
That is the undeniable truth facing Democrats desperate to unseat President Trump. The incredible economic revival that has been ushered in by President Trump and his team of economic advisors has literally run off the scale.
The latest proof that there’s no end in sight for economic growth here in the USA was the off-the-charts spending spree Americans have been on since Black Friday.
The Christmas/Hanukkah shopping season is when retailers make or break their fiscal year. And this year, thanks to President Trump’s economic policies, produced a nearly impossible to predict 3.4% increase in year-over-year holiday retail sales.
The U.S. GDP is largely – very largely – fueled by consumer spending. The 3.4% gain translates into tens of billions of dollars of economic activity. T-E-N-S OF B-I-L-L-I-O-N-S!!!
What makes this all the more incredible is this was accomplished in 6 fewer days than last year’s record sales due to the late date that Thanksgiving fell on.
Eighteen percent less selling days, 3.4% growth in sales… WOW!!!
An incredibly strong economy, low unemployment, low inflation, higher wages and more disposable income has given Americans much to be thankful for.
This comes after last week’s poll that was reported on by CNN.
As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades…
…Overall, 76% rate economic conditions in the US today as very or somewhat good, significantly more than those who said so at this time last year (67%). This is the highest share to say the economy is good since February 2001, when 80% said so.
The economy promises to get even better as President Trump continues unhooking the U.S. from its dependence on China’s manufacturing sector. The “smart” people told us uncoupling from China would lead to economic decline…
Except, it didn’t:
- November Job Gains +266,000
- Unemployment Rate 3.5%
- Wage Growth +3.1%
- Inflation 1.4%…
Obama – eight years – $11 Trillion in added debt – $1 Trillion in equity growth.
Trump – three years – $3 Trillion in added debt – $11 Trillion in equity growth.
And, all three key stock markets are at all-time highs…
Remember when we woke up the day after voting for Donald Trump and we were treated to the sage prediction of the Globalists favorite economist…
Trump has exposed all of the lies and mechanisms that were designed and put in place by Washington elites to deceive Americans while they stole their tax dollars.
“The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exists for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself.
“The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake…”
“…The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.”
Things are so good that Senate Republicans, the same Senate Republicans who opposed Donald Trump’s election, are taking credit for the booming economy.
Democrats’ gift to American workers? Three years wasted obsessing over impeachment.
Republicans’ gift to American workers? See for yourself! 👇 pic.twitter.com/HJ9Po4V88c
— Senate Republicans (@SenateGOP) December 18, 2019
Senate Republicans, as a whole, are not on Trump’s side.
Be weary of RINOS …