Now, we have yet another reason not to vote for Joe Biden.
This past week, Biden said he would nominate Barack Obama if he would accept it.
He wouldn’t.
He’s making megabucks between his book and his deal with Netflix.
Besides, he would not want the embarrassment of looking incompetent to his fellow justices.
He was billed as a constitutional scholar, but he often confuses what is in the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution.
But, of course, Obama wouldn’t cast his vote for the legal merits but by his personal ideology, the same as Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
He would be a nightmare.
The bottom line is he is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.
He’s barely worked as a lawyer, never written a scholarly article, even when he was the editor of the Harvard Law Journal.
He was the first editor to never byline an article.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told reporters on Saturday he would nominate former President Barack Obama to the Supreme Court “if he’d take it.”
“Biden asked here in Washington, Iowa, if he would ever nominate former President Obama to serve on the Supreme Court. ‘If he’d take it, yes,’” reported Wall Street Journal reporter Ken Thomas on Twitter.
On the campaign trail, Biden has on several occasions mentioned his loyalty to Obama including paying tribute to the former 44th president on “National Best Friends Day.”
Biden has remained the frontrunner throughout Democratic presidential primary despite the absence of Obama’s endorsement.
When asked if he wanted the former president to endorse him if the election was to come down to three contenders, Biden told Politico, “No, because everyone knows I’m close with him. I don’t need an Obama endorsement.”