Investigative reporter John Solomon is advising people to keep an eye on Comey and McCabe, as their previous testimony is being looked at.
Looking back at previous testimony given by the two reveals that since the testimony was given, huge holes in their stories have appeared. McCabe was actually fired for lying.
John Solomon said:
I don’t think McCabe and Comey’s stories add up now to the evidence now that has been put into the record by Horowitz. I would keep an eye on it. I think they’re two guys whose testimony is being looked at closely.
The big question is why no one has taken a close look at this before.
Actually, some people have, but the Deep State covers for their fellow associates.
In April of 2018, The Hill published a story on this very subject. It was written by our good friend, Newt Gingrich.
Rod Rosenstein commented that Comey going on national TV and exonerating Hillary Clinton in itself was abuse of power.
I might disagree with that since Comey did not have the power to exonerate, just to recommend whether or not there is a case to be made.
Despite a mountain of evidence, Comey claimed there was no case.
It is very sobering and a little frightening to realize that the top two officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were dishonest.
To fully understand just how dishonest, self-serving and reckless former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were during their service, you don’t have to believe me, you only need to read three sources: The memorandum written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that led to Comey’s firing, the Office of the Inspector General’s report investigating McCabe’s actions as deputy director, and Stewart Baker’s recent article, “The Low Tragedy of Andrew McCabe.”
Many other attorneys general and deputy attorneys general quoted throughout the memo strongly objected to Comey’s actions, bringing Rosenstein to the conclusion that:
“Almost everyone agrees that the Director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.”
Rosenstein came to the conclusion that trust in the FBI could not be restored “until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them.”
This was the report President Trump received just before firing Comey.