Lindsey Graham has invited Rudy Giuliani to meet with the Senate Judiciary Committee to inform them of what he learned on his recent trip to the Ukraine, but not as part of the impeachment trial.
If Rudy plans on going, he should do it before the impeachment hearing starts so that the GOP Senators have his information before they begin grilling witnesses.
On Sunday, Rudy Giuliani opened up about much of what he found out in the Ukraine and he says there is even more to come.
He found that billions of dollars was stolen and then money was laundered with a lot of money finding it’s way into the pockets of the Bidens.
He found out that former Ukranian ambassador Marie Yovanovitch committed perjury at least twice during her testimony during the impeachment investigation.
Yuri Lutsenko, the inheritor of prosecutor general Viktor Shokin’s office said the he notified Yovanovitch that $7 billion had been stolen and sent to the United States but that Yovanovitch refused to put him in touch with US law enforcement.
Lutsenko said:
“I was once again shocked when madame Yovanovitch told two members of the committee that Lutsenko asked me to organize his meeting with American attorney general, but you know gentlemen that there is a procedure for this she told, the procedure that Lutsenko should even — must give us and short topic what points he want he wants to discuss with American law enforcement bodies and Yovanovitch said he never gave us such an information.”
“I have bad news for madame Yovanovitch. This is my letter to request for cooperation in investigation against the criminal organization of Yanukovytch regarding possible investment in the US-based mutual and other funds for the purpose of money laundering.”
Rudy brought back documents to prove this and other accusations.
Wow! This is HUGE!