Jerry Nadler has admitted that the Democrats do not have a single candidate that can beat President Trump and that is why he must be impeached even though he has committed no crime. Nadler said, “We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems. Must remove Trump now.”
That is a shocking revelation from a leading Democrat, albeit an accurate one.
He didn’t mean to give away the real Democratic plan. They have looked at the Democratic candidates and found them wanting and so it l0oks like impeachment is the only shot they have. But judging by polls, all they’ve done is make a bad situation much worse.
This is an art that Democrats have perfected over many years.
The only hope they have now is if Lindsey Graham ends impeachment in the Senate without a trial like he has promised to do.
A trial in the Senate is necessary to show voters how little substance there actually is in their impeachment push. If there is no trial Democrats will claim it’s because Republicans can’t dispute the evidence they presented in the House.
Total humiliation is the only answer.
FOX News reported:
“We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems, when the president threatens the very integrity of that election,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said in his opening statement, claiming Trump’s discussions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about Joe and Hunter Biden’s dealings in the country, and the White House’s temporary withholding of military aid to Ukraine, constituted an “urgent” threat to national security.
“This committee now owes it to the American people to give these articles careful attention,” Nadler added at the beginning of the markup for the impeachment articles, which included obstruction of Congress and abuse of power.
Nadler says, "'we cannot rely on an election' to oust Trump"
He admits his goal is removal of Trump (i.e., overturn an election) instead of justice. Let that sink in…— Red Nation Rising (@RedNationRising) December 12, 2019