Democratic New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew informed his staff on Saturday that he plans to leave the Democratic party and his plan is to join the Republicans.
Van Drew was one of only two Democrats to vote against the impeachment inquiry. He has criticized the move ever since.
He is making the switch because he fears he would lose his seat if he remained a Democrat.
The Democratic party has made a sharp left turn this election cycle and they have not been welcoming to moderates in the party.
This is exactly what happened in 2010 after Nancy Pelosi twisted the arms of moderates in order to get enough votes to pass Obamacare.
2010 ended up being a blood bath after Republicans flipped an unbelievable 63 seats in the House.
Several Democrats who are in the know told Politico that it is no longer a question of whether he will switch parties but rather when.
Van Drew has been negotiating the switch ever since impeachment proceedings began. It is expected that he will make the official announcement next week.
This will be the first of many seats the Democrats will lose by the 2020 election over the disastrous decision to impeach the president on a bunch of nonsense.
Van Drew had been under discussions with senior Trump administration officials about switching parties, according to a Saturday report from The New York Times.
A moderate Democrat who has been a firm opponent of impeaching President Donald Trump, Van Drew was reportedly considering the switch in part to avoid a Democratic primary challenge in his district.
An official announcement from the congressman could come next week. Meanwhile, the House Judiciary Committee cleared the way on Friday for a full House vote on impeachment, which could take place as early as Wednesday.