Elizabeth Warren’s strong suit is not telling the truth. She has been criticized for her ability to completely distort the truth and turn it into something totally unrecognizable.
Fake Indian speaks with forked tongue.
The latest version of the truth, as she sees it, has angered her brother.
As she campaigns, she has been claiming that their father was a lowly janitor.
Actually, her father was a maintenance man. That’s a completely different skill set. You have to be able to repair machinery, do light electrical work and plumbing. The pay is quite different, too.
That is not to say that her family was in the money, but they did not struggle like she claims they did. Her mother worked the phones for Sears.
Her brother strongly dislikes Warren calling their father a mere janitor.
Warren has claimed to be a Native American, claimed that she was fired for being pregnant, and now is saying her father was a janitor.
She is a politician following in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton.
The Boston Globe reported:
Families can also disagree on the details of a shared life. According to a family friend, David has disagreed with the way Warren calls herself the daughter of a janitor as she describes the work he found after losing a job as a salesman after his heart attack.
“When she called her dad a janitor during the early stages of this, David was furious,” said Pamela Winblood, 78, a longtime friend of David who had fallen out with him and supports Warren’s presidential bid. “He said, ‘My Dad was never a janitor.’ I said, ‘Well, he was a maintenance man.’ ” (In an interview, Warren said she had no idea why that characterization would bother her brother; she has referred to their father as a “maintenance man” in her 2014 autobiography but often as a “janitor” on the campaign trail.)