OPINION| Mark Sidney| Rudy Giuliani seems to be the man that the DS has identified as the biggest threat to their survival at the moment.
Why do I say this? Because the DS is doing EVERYTHING they can do bring Rudy down.
‘America’s Mayor’ has been Trump’s consigliere for some time now. Giuliani has apparently been digging in Ukraine ever since the Mueller days.
It seems that Rudy was using the Russian collision hoax, and its subsequent coup attempt via the Mueller investigation to get the goods on just how dirty and corrupt the previous administration was.
From what Rudy has revealed, it seems that he struck gold and had the preverbal ‘nuts’ on the DS and their agents in the Democratic Party.
Why else would Schiff, allegedly, being going to far out of his way to break the law (allegedly) to get information on who Rudy and John Solomon have been talking to and when?
Adam Schiff arbitrarily releases my phone records as a 1st Amendment protected reporter. State Department bureaucrats reportedly monitored my social media. A witness gratuitously drags a 13-year-old boy into impeachment. Whatever happened to civil liberties, privacy and decency?
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) December 4, 2019
Now, keep in mind, this is just what has been regurgitated by ‘sources’ close to Mrs. Ingraham, Mr Solomon and others. One thing to remember is that the allegations are not confirmed, but also that things could be much, much more sinister than the small bits and pieces that have leaked as well.
While we do not know for sure what Schiff and his brethren in the US SS (United States Surveillance State) have been doing, what God given rights they may or may not have been violating, we do know that this pattern of behavior would not be new for desperate Dems.
In 3 days, when IG Horowitz releases his report on FISA abuse, hopefully we will learn a lot more about just how much the previous crime spree … err, administration valued citizens, and their political enemies’ God given rights to be ‘secure in their person, papers and effects.’
As usual, Jim Hoft’s, The Gateway Pundit, is all over the story, reporting that:
‘Earlier this week Rudy Giuliani met with Ukrainian officials to discuss the misuse of US funds in Ukraine and the creation of a group to fight corruption in the country.

Rudy Giuliani and Andrey Derkach via Facebook
According to a Facebook post by Ukrainian independent lawmaker Andrey Derkach Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani recently flew to Kiev to discuss the creation of a group to fight corruption.
In October Ukrainian Parliamentarian Andrey (Andriy) Derkach revealed in a press conference that Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for lobbying efforts from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.
And now this…
On Friday Rudy Giuliani tweeted out a “Shocking Disclosure!”
Are you starting to see why Biden gets to aggressive when anyone mentions ‘Ukraine’ within his earshot?
WATCH: A tense exchange with a voter at @JoeBiden’s event in New Hampton, IA this morning, where a voter started out by telling Biden he had two problems with him: he was too old, and his son’s work in Ukraine pic.twitter.com/ok7m0ShFPd
— Molly Nagle (@MollyNagle3) December 5, 2019
Rudy claims that his sources are telling him that a large portion of the $5,300,000.000 ($5.3 BILLION) in US Taxpayer funded Aid to the Ukraine was abused, misused and funneled to the embassy’s favored NGO’s. I wonder how Soros figures into this one? I have a feeling that is where this rabbit hole will end up leading soon.
Marie Yovanovitch, who is one of the key players/witnesses in the current iteration of the coup against our Republic, had been the Ambassador to Ukraine at the time. Allegedly, her embassy directed the police not to investigate the allegations.

Marie Yanvanovitch, Via commondreams.org
Shocking disclosure:
Much of the $5.3B in US Aid Ukraine reported as misused was given to the embassy’s favored NGO’s.
At the time Yovanovitch, witness for the Witchunt, was the Amb. That embassy directed the police not to investigate.
Wonder why Obama forgot Art. 2, Sec. 3.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 6, 2019
Presidential Legal Obligations 101:
Art 2, Sec. 3 of the US Constitution obligates the President to investigate and ask for investigations of corruption in countries we provide funds to.
Who ever heard of a president being impeached for carrying out his constitutional mandate?
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 6, 2019
It comes as a huge shock to Democrats that @realDonaldTrump will ask for investigations concerning violations of US laws & misused hard-earned tax payer dollars.
It’s called his legal obligation under Article 2, Sec. 3 of the US Constitution. Ignored by Obama.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 6, 2019
Looks like Rudy has his preverbal rifle locked, loaded, bayonet affixed and his finger on the trigger.
It is unclear how this will all shake out as of yet, but I have a feeling this up coming 2020 is going to be pivotal in American history. Either the DS will be exposed and on the run, or the left will seize power, and we will likely never get it back.
I implore everyone to do their part in gettin the truth out there, for I fear if the Dems obtain control, the internet will be locked down and the social media censorship we have seen thus far will look like a walk in the park … As Ron Paul said is in famous speech, ‘Let it not be said that we did nothing ….’