OPINION| Lawrence David| As the media narrative writers work to smear Rudy Giuliani it’s important to remember that the president’s attorney established a stellar reputation as a public servant over the first seventy-five years of his life.
It’s only now, that he claims to have proof that more than $12 Billion of U.S. foreign aid was misappropriated by Obama administration officials for corrupt reasons, that the Democrat/Marxist media has begun an all-out assault on his character.
Ask yourself why?
Compare that to the questionable character of former MI6 agent Christopher Steele who the British spy agency said “sometimes showed questionable judgment in pursuing targets that others viewed as a waste of time, two people familiar with the assessment said.”
Steele prepared a series of allegations accusing Donald Trump of being compromised that the FBI used to justify opening an investigation of Trump’s presidential campaign.
Months after the first FISA warrant was granted based on Steele’s imagination, former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that Steele’s work remained unverified. Regardless, the FBI had already begun broad surveillance of a political campaign.
Comey signed two additional FISA renewals even though the FBI’s continuing investigation showed Steele’s so-called dossier to be even more suspect than simply “unverified.”
According to the Inspector General’s report, it was complete bunk, bar talk and suppositions.
The reason Comey tells us this WASs acceptable is the “low bar” required to open such an invasive investigation.
Now ask yourself if the standard for opening an investigation is this low, why is the media apoplectic over Rudy Giuliani’s allegations?
Especially when one considers Rudy’s far more impressive reputation as a crime fighter and his claims of having documentary evidence.
Rudy appeared with Laura Ingraham last night where he discussed the results of his investigation of Democrat Party-Ukrainian corruption:
Giuliani told Ingraham that he used his investigative findings to force the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovith, to be removed.
Giuliani: “I forced her out because she’s corrupt.
“I came back with a document that will show unequivocally that she committed perjury when she said that she turned down the visa for Mr. Shokin [Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin who then VP Biden demanded be fired] because of corruption…
“… It’s documentary evidence that she committed perjury.
“I have four witnesses who will testify that she personally turned down their visas because they were going to come here and give evidence either against Biden or against the Democratic Party…”
Why was Yovanovitch blocking the presentation of evidence by these Ukrainian officials? Giuliani claimed she had at least 12.5 billion reasons.
Giuliani: “I uncovered two major schemes. One for $7.5 Billion in money laundering that went on all through the Obama administration.
“Part of it involves Joe Biden, the bribery part. It’s a disgrace that he’s not under investigation…
“It’s a complete defense for the president. When the President of the United States was asking the President of Ukraine to investigate, he was asking him to investigate crimes at the highest levels of both governments.
It’s going to be biblical …