Many comedians have begun to hit out against PC culture, complaining that their shows’ content are restricted by political correctness and their terminally offended adherents.
The growing “cancel culture” rage which effectively e-assassinates the careers of public personalities who step out of line, in accordance with the dicta of politically correct woke culture.
Earlier this week, Tim Allen was a guest on the long-running TV show, ‘The View,’ to discuss PC culture and its impact on comedy.
Allen vented his frustrations to the show’s hosts over the topic.
Other comedians such as Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld won’t perform on university campuses–hotbeds for political correctness, cancel culture, and sometimes violent protest against “wrongthink.”
According to Yahoo, the following was said:
“And you know, what I got to do sometimes sometimes is explain – which I hate – in big arenas, that this is a thought police thing and I do not like it. But when I use these words, this is my intent behind those words. So as long as you know my intent… I still get people who say, ‘Just don’t say it.’ And I said I’m not going to do that.”
Joy Behar added, “If I ever brought that old act back, I’d be driven out of town.”
“I’m surprised they haven’t because I do use some provocative words, but I tell them, it’s words I really got from my parents,” Allen said referring to the jokes in his stand up sets and tweets. “They said this stuff. When we talked about it… We can’t even say this stuff. Can’t even point to it.”
This also isn’t the first time Allen has defended the right to use the N-word or railed against PC culture.
In 2013, Allen allegedly defended his right to use the N-word to Tampa Bay Times.
Allen told IndieWire last year that nothing annoyed people more than a funny conservative–given mainstream disapproval of such points of view.