On Sunday, President Donald Trump called for an apology from the fired and disgraced former FBI Director James Comey after the release of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General’s (IG) report on the FBI investigation into the phony Trump-Russia collusion delusion hoax of the 2016 presidential election.
Trump took to social media to hammer Comey’s confirmation on “Fox News Sunday” pointing out that it was only “because he got caught red handed.”
“So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong. Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red handed. He was actually caught a long time ago. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?”
In the past, Trump accused Comey and his FBI of investigating his 2016 campaign, including electronic surveillance, and spying on a campaign adviser for political reasons.
To think what Comey put this country through by lying to the FISA court by using unverified information in the Steele dossier to spy on Carter Page under the secretive FISA system that would allow his FBI henchmen to use the two-hop rule, which is, whenever the FBI gets a warrant on someone, they can use the scope of that warrant to also look into others who had some form of contact with the target of the warrant. Comey broke a number of laws by involving the FBI in the nation’s first attempted government coup.
DOJ IG Michael Horowitz’s report was released last week and found there was no political motive in the FBI’s opening of the Russia investigation. That’s more-than-likely because Horowitz only had emails that went back to May 31, 2016, after the origin of the spying began. We’ll know the full story when US Attorney John Durham’s report comes out in the Spring. Horowitz did note that there were 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in the investigation, 51 in all.
Comey admitted on “Fox News Sunday” to “sloppiness” in the management of the probe.
“I was wrong,” he said. “I was overconfident in the procedures the FBI and Justice had built over 20 years. I thought they were robust enough.”
“There was real sloppiness,” he added.
Remember when Sandy (Burglar) Berger, Bill Clinton’s National Security Adviser, got caught red-handed stealing classified documents from the 911 commission SCIF by stuffing them down his pants and socks? I remember when the entire Democrat universe said it was all because he was a sloppy guy. Remember how they all went on the Sunday news programs saying things like, “Yeah, Sid was always known to be a sloppy guy. When you went to his office you always saw a sloppy desk,” and other nonsense that you knew was said by no one ever?
The president is 100 percent correct, in that the smug and arrogant Comey is only admitting there were problems now, because he got caught, and he’s trying to mitigate his own culpability. Yeah, good that with that one, buddy. Comey was the guy who made it all happen regarding the FBI’s involvement. The fired and disgraced former FBI Director was duped into it by President Barack Obama’s spy chief former CIA grump John Brennan, who reached out to Comey, because the CIA has no law enforcement powers, but the FBI does.
Republican lawmakers felt vindicated that the IG report was proof that the FBI participated in misconduct in so many areas, as the Democrats claimed the report cleared the FBI of any wrongdoing. With Democrats it’s like newspeak in 1984.