So, did you think that now that House Democrats have “impeached” President Trump that things would chill out any?
Since Nancy Pelosi is still sitting on the bogus articles of impeachment, that process is somewhat stalled for the moment, but liberal sympathizers are still moving wide open in their efforts to throttle or extinguish conservative influencers and conservative speech.
One such voice (or in this case, a set of voices, since the comedians in question are twins) that has been temporarily silenced is the comedy duo known as the Hodge Twins.
From the video below:
“We had a couple venues cancel our [sold-out] shows.They actually canceled them, because after we booked the show and the tickets went on sale, they went and did some research about us — like our YouTube channel and Facebook — and found out we’re conservative and they canceled the show, just because we’re conservative.”
“So it’s not about equality when it comes from people that are liberal.”
Stuff like this is enough to make one wonder if we really live in the USA, or have we suddenly been thrust into some forgotten episode of the Twilight Zone where only a select few are allowed to speak and the rest are muzzled?
One issue, in particular, that should be settled once and for all is the freedom to speak our minds, regardless of the belief system we espouse. Our founding fathers put free speech at the very top of the heap with the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Either we have free speech, or we don’t, regardless of the point of view expressed. Censors can’t stand it when they hear things with which they disagree, so they try to flex their muscles by denying others the freedom to access the opposing ideas.
If there isn’t freedom to speak and examine the issues from various points of view, then there is no freedom at all.
Silence is not an acceptable solution. It leads to apathy and ignorance, both of which play right into the hands of the purveyors of perversion.
If one has enough faith in a position, there should be no fear in discussing the issue. Where we get in trouble is when we try to cater to the emotional rather than the rational.
Facts outweigh feelings, no matter what many liberals would have us believe. Feelings change from moment to moment, whereas facts stand on their own.
This incident with the Hodge Twins parallels what has happened to another of our favorites, Brandon Straka of #WalkAway fame. He too has had venues booked, but when the owners found out that his message is conservative, they suddenly shut him out.
Leftists are now making any expression of free speech outside of their radical dogma classified as “hate speech.” They seem incapable of separating a challenge to ideas from personal attacks.