Opinion| Mark Sidney| I believe that history books of the future (if the good guys win this ‘war’) will point to the moment the government tried to tell us that, alleged British, Israeli, and United States compromise asset, and convicted pedophile, Jeffery Epstein, killed himself, as the moment that the power structure lost all credibility.
Not a single person I have spoken to, including my ‘left coast’ friend, who is not only ideologically 180 degrees from me, but also a polar opposite when it comes to the amount of faith we have in our government institutions, believes that Jeffrey Epstein ended his own life.
Well, there is more bad news for the credibility of those pushing this absurd narrative today.
To catch you up to speed, the Gateway Pundit reported that:
‘Last month prosecutors told a judge that the ‘missing‘ surveillance footage outside of Epstein’s prison cell on the night of his suicide attempt in July had been found.
In a letter to a judge, US Attorney Geoffrey Berman said footage from Epstein’s suicide attempt in July has been located and the government is in the process of obtaining a copy.
Now prosecutors are saying the surveillance video has been destroyed due to a “record-keeping error.”
Even worse, the backup system for video surveillance wasn’t working due to ‘technical errors.’
“The requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors,” the prosecutors wrote.
To be clear, the surveillance footage addressed by prosecutors pertains to Epstein’s first reported ‘suicide attempt’ in late July, not the night of his death in August.’
Sounds legit. Everyone knows that ‘two is one and one is none’ when it comes to important things. Now, what could be more important to the prosecution, or the prison housing the pedophile (assuming they were honest actors) that an actual recording of what happened around Epstein’s cell, during, before and after his first ‘suicide attempt.
Epstein is arguably the most valuable wittness in the entire prison system, when it came to intelligence value. How on Earth could such an oversight occur?
If you or I were in charge of this footage I am sure we would have made 10 copies and distributed them to accredited individuals, who were legally authorized to posses such evidence, to safe guard them for us. Why this was not done, is beyond explanation, and worse beyond belief. Never-mind the fact that we would likely have stations 10 sets of eyes on this guy following his attempted suicide, to ensure he did not attempt to kill himself.
What about the NSA and the IC? People in a position to know, have suggested, let’s call it ‘theorized’ to be safe, that the IC is collecting each and every electronic signal transmitted in the nation, and perhaps the world. Now, this is conjecture, but perhaps they have a copy of the tape?
Did no one at the facility think to make a copy? Did no one at the facility, or with access, care enough about justice to protect this information? The implication from government is that the answer is no … if you can believe that, and if you do, if you can believe this happened accidentally.
New York Daily News reported:
Surveillance footage from outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during his suicide attempt was destroyed, prosecutors revealed Thursday.
The revelation in a letter filed by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maurene Comey and Jason Swergold is the latest head-spinning disclosure from the feds about the footage from the Metropolitan Correctional Center on July 22 and 23. Epstein attempted to hang himself that night while sharing a cell with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione, officials have said.
Swergold initially said last month in White Plains Federal Court that the video had not been preserved. He reversed himself less than 24 hours later, saying it had been archived.
Now, the feds say that due to a record-keeping error, MCC staff preserved footage from outside the wrong cell. [LMAO … OK, they think we are STUPID]
“The footage contained on the preserved video was for the correct date and time, but captured a different tier than the one where Cell-1 was located because the preserved video did not show corrections officers responding to any of the cells seen on the video. After speaking with MCC legal counsel, the Government was informed that the MCC computer system listed a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione,” prosecutors wrote in a letter filed in Manhattan Federal Court.
Do not forget the New York Post reported that“Jeffrey Epstein was confident he could fight the child sex trafficking charges against him and was in “great spirits” just hours before his jailhouse death on Saturday morning — even telling one of his lawyers, “I’ll see you Sunday,” The Post has learned.’
Epstein, a 66-year-old convicted pedophile and apparent ‘financier’ was found unresponsive in his cell late this summer. At the time the New York medical examiner announced Jeff’s death was due to suicide by hanging.
If you believe that, email me, I can get you a great deal on some ‘oceanfront property in Arizona.’