Opinion| Lawrence David| The FBI’s deception depends on you believing that surveillance of candidate Donald Trump, his campaign, his family, his business associates, and anyone else he might have had a cup of coffee with, began on July 31st, 2016.
According to the FBI, that was the date that Operation Crossfire Hurricane was officially opened.
It therefore becomes critical to obscure all previous evidence of the Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens – including multiple 2016 presidential candidates and other U.S. person’s perceived to be political enemies of the Obama White House – that evidence suggests has been occurring in a most egregious manner for a number of years prior to 2016.
The original Inspector General Report on FISA abuses contained wording that supported the claim that both George Papadopoulos and Carter Page were targeted by Confidential Human Sources (CHS) and Undercover Employees (UCE) months prior to July 31st both in the Executive Summary (page xvi) and on page 400.
This version of the report, that we found linked to NBCNews.com, appears to be quickly disappearing from the web.
A link from the Gateway Pundit originally brought us to this version but no longer does. That is the reason for the screen capture rather than simply supplying a link.
This paragraph confirmed that the findings stated in the opening Executive Summary were not a grammatical mistake.
“All of these CHS interactions were consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”
So, somebody will have to explain why page xvi of the version of the IG Report currently available on the Department of Justice website has been edited to say:
And, why was page 400 was edited to reflect the same deliberate mischaracterization:
Why were the words (and meaning) changed from “before and after they were affiliated with the Trump campaign” to “during and after they were affiliated with the Trump campaign?”
One possible answer: George Papadopoulos was first named as a Trump campaign advisor in March of 2016, at least four months prior to the opening of Crossfire Hurricane. The DOJ [inadvertently?] confirmed this timeframe in a filing made against Papadopoulos in October, 2017.
From page two of that filing:
The professor referred to in the fourth line is Joseph Mifsud.
According to investigative journalist John Solomon, Mifsuds’ lawyer told him in August of last year that:
“…he also provided me some deposition evidence, to both Congress and myself, that his client was being directed and long worked with Western intelligence.
“And he was being directed specifically, he was asked to connect George Papadopoulos to Russia, meaning it was an operation, some form of intelligence operation. That was the lawyer’s own words for this.
“If that’s the case that means the flash point that started the whole investigation was in fact manufactured from the beginning.”
The claim that Mifsud was working for Western intelligence had been confirmed when Office of Net Assessment Whistleblower Adam Lovinger challenged $411,575 in payments to Mifsud inside of a period of ten months.
Others claim the amount paid to Mifsud eventually topped $1 million. Not bad for a few emails, telephone conversations, and meetings.
Now recall that:
“All of these CHS interactions were consensually monitored and recorded by the FBI.”
In early October of 2019, U.S. Attorney General William Barr and U.S. attorney John Durham traveled to Rome where they retrieved, or were believed to have been at least able to listen to, the authenticated audio file of Mifsud’s meetings with Papadopoulos.
There is more than sufficient evidence to conclude that Mifsud was connected to, and was an asset of, Britain’s MI6 and GCHQ and was at the heart of the illegal spying operation waged against Donald Trump as early as 2015.
“If that’s the case that means the flash point that started the whole investigation was in fact manufactured from the beginning.”
The need to hide Mifsud’s role in the illegal entrapment of George Papadopoulos in order to conduct illegally predicated surveillance over the entire Trump universe, gives corrupt members still inside the DOJ every reason for changing before and after they were affiliated with the Trump campaign” to “during and after they were affiliated with the Trump campaign.”
One question remains, do Barr and Durham have the stomach to buck an intelligence community that seems intent on protecting those who corrupted their institutions, by any means necessary?
Hope comes from statements that Barr and Durham issued immediately following the release of the IG Report:
Durham: “…we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”
Barr: “The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken. It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was constantly exculpatory…
… The malfeasance and misfeasance detailed in the Inspector General’s report reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.”
If Barr and Durham are simply paying us lip service then… this is FUBAR.