The Democrats face an uphill battle in the 2020 presidential election. The economy is great, and there is more support for President Trump than there was in 2016.
Impeachment has soured a lot of voters on the Democrats.
Blacks and Latinos are supporting the president in much higher numbers than in 2016, and even more Democrats are showing up at Trump rallies to show their support.
Harlan Hill, Trump 2020 Advisory Board Member and founder of Democrats for Trump, appeared on Fox Business with Stuart Varney, and he could not hide his enthusiasm for the upcoming election.
He said that support of Trump is up in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and he boldly predicted that President Trump will win reelection by a larger margin than in 2016.
One of the biggest obstacles the Democrats will have is money.
Republicans are raking in record amounts, as is the president himself, while the Democrats have been reduced to panhandlers barely able to keep the lights on.
In 2016, Trump had half the money that Hillary did, and he trounced her. This year he will have unlimited resources.
If the Democratic nomination is a nail-biter, the winning candidate will start off with zero or near zero in the bank, while Trump will be rolling in the money.
Hill said:
“People were standing outside in the sleet and the snow waiting to go see the president. You had a long line of people who couldn’t even get in the building in the snow! The enthusiasm for this president is not waning. Maybe in the coasts, Democrats are believing their own hype that the president is historically unpopular and the polls are right. I can tell you they’re not. In the places where they count: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, the president is going to win! And I believe better in this round than in 2016.“