Democrats are saying that the killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, who has been declared a terrorist by the United States, was done to create a distraction.
A distraction from what?
Not the impeachment. That’s just a joke. They produced no material witnesses.
The impeachment hinges on personal opinions of members of the Deep State and propaganda from three leftist professors.
It’s not surprising that Ilhan Omar is siding with the terrorist.
I would have been surprised had she not.
When given the choice between Islamic extremists and Americans, Omar places Americans in fourth. Soleimani was responsible for 17% of all Americans killed in Iraq and the wounding of thousands more.
He led the assault on the American embassy, probably to create another hostage crisis like Jimmy Carter did many years ago.
The Democrats are getting desperate.
They see the 2020 election as their Waterloo, and are grasping at straws to try to avoid what could best be described as a disaster for their party.
One liberal pundit went so far as to say the attack was a cover-up for a weak job number coming out on Friday. Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiight…the president wants to distract from the strongest economy in history.
Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar accused President Donald Trump of killing Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani — a designated terrorist by the U.S. government — as a “distraction” from domestic political issues.
Other left-of-center Trump critics echoed Omar’s accusation that Trump authorized the strike on Soleimani as a “distraction.”
“Given that US response to the attack that killed an American contractor was so disproportionate and predictably provocative, today’s air strike feels like attempt to create a distraction from Impeachment and build support for Trump,” CNN commentator Karen Finney tweeted.
“You have to wonder if Friday’s jobs report is so bad that it caused Trump to launch attack on Iran’s Soleimani to distract?” CNN and Daily Beast columnist Dean Obeidallah wrote.
“I’m not saying he’s starting a war to distract, I’m only saying he’s EXACTLY the kind of monster who would,” wrote liberal author Mikel Jollett.