Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova blasted James Comey and John Brennan as the leaders of the coup against President Trump.
DiGenova also says that Barack Obama was fully aware of what was going down.
If that is true, he could be charged with treason.
But if it’s not true, then Comey and Brennan should be charged.
DiGenova said:
“Well there’s no doubt that John Brennan was the primogenitor of the entire counterintelligence investigation. It was John Brennan who went to James Comey and basically pummeled him into starting a counterintelligence investigation against Trump. Brennan’s at the heart of this. He went around the world. He enlisted the help of foreign intelligence services. He’s responsible for Joseph Mifsud and other people.”
“People do not have even the beginning of an understanding of the role that John Brennan played in this. He is a monstrously important person, and I underscore monstrously important person. He has done more damage to the Central Intelligence Agency – it’s equal to what James Comey has done to the FBI. It’s pretty clear that James Comey will go down in history as the single worst FBI Director in history, regardless of how Mr. Durham treats him — because he precipitated it, he caused it, he encouraged it.”
Those are some pretty sharp words, but they are probably well deserved.
The only way to assure that this never happens again is if all of the perpetrators are tried, convicted, and sent to prison because if there are no consequences, there is no reason for them not to repeat these actions with the next Republican president.
This is something the Democrats have done to every elected Republican president since Eisenhower.
That includes Reagan. They can’t win the election, so they try to win the impeachment.