US News

NYC Bar Tips ‘C-up’ Leader’s Hand: Panicked DS, Demands For AG Barr to Recuse Himself From ‘Ukraine-Related Matters’ – Including Ukrainian Involvement in 2016 Election, Biden Crime Family

OPINION| Mark Sidney| ICYMI| They need Barr gone or they will pay for their crimes.

Just when you thought that Trump/Ukrainie hit job (<my opinion) was turning into ‘Russiagate” 2.0 … more evidence comes out that, you’re right.

The Gateway Pundit is now reporting that The New York City Bar Association is not calling for United States Attorney General to recuse himself from all matters related to Ukraine.

Roger Juan Maldonado, the President of the New York City Bar Association & Stephen L. Kass, the Chair, Task Force on the Rule of Law New York City Bar Association, released a statement on October 23, 2019, ripping the Attorney General, ostensibly for investigated the corruption and alleged crimes of the previous administration, and perhaps many others of whom we are not aware.

The absurd statement was titled “Attorney General Barr Should Recuse Himself from Department of Justice Review of Ukraine Matter,” and it begins:


The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has a unique role in safeguarding the rule of law under the Constitution.  By failing to recuse himself from DOJ’s review of the Ukraine Matter, Attorney General William P. Barr has undermined that role.  To help remedy that failure, the New York City Bar Association urges that Mr. Barr recuse himself from any ongoing or future review by DOJ of Ukraine-related issues in which Mr. Barr is allegedly involved.  If he fails to do so, he should resign or, failing that, be subject to sanctions, including possible removal, by Congress.”

This reeks of desperation to me.  What they are basically saying, in my view, is that if you are a Democrat running for office, you are immune from being investigated for any former corruption and influence peddling allegations.

The biggest takeaway from this, in my opinion, is that Attorney General Barr is WAY more than likely ‘the real deal’ and he, along with United States Attorney Durham, are in possession of, or on the verge of coming into possession of DEVASTATING information and evidence.

I suspect this evidence is likely not just into Ukrainian corruption on behalf of the previous administration (among other bad actors in position of power in our government and individuals and entities connected to such people,) but most likely, damning evidence concerning ‘spygate,’  I do not know this yet for a fact, but it is my strong suspicion.

As I see it, the letter goes on to ‘tip the hand’ of the ‘coup leaders,’ likely in the CIA (in my view,) among others areas of the entrenched bureaucracy, who facilitated changed the rules of the whistleblower laws, ‘coincidently’ right before this ‘whistleblower’ report was released, so that hearsay reports would be included in the protections.

The NYC Bar Association summary goes on to state:

“Mr. Barr’s Performance

Despite this commitment to the role of the Attorney General, Mr. Barr’s actions in office have failed in precisely the role that he described with eloquence when nominated.  That failure has jeopardized the confidence that the public can reasonably have in the DOJ as the place “where the rule of law, not politics, holds sway.”  His actions during his brief tenure in office have demonstrated to us that, contrary to the responsibilities of his office, he appears to view his primary obligation as loyalty to the President individually rather than to the nation.  In serving the President, he has been willing to take or countenance actions that are contrary to the professional standards of the DOJ, his oath of office and his own obligations as an attorney. 

Our concern has been brought to a head by Mr. Barr’s failure to recuse himself from the DOJ’s review—itself of uncertain propriety—of the ongoing “whistleblower” complaint with respect to the President’s efforts during his July 25, 2019 telephone call to request the Republic of Ukraine to investigate Mr. Trump’s allegations of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections and former Vice-President Biden and his son (the “Ukraine Matter”).  As White House records made clear[4], the President told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Mr. Barr “would be in touch with him” to follow up on the President’s requests. The whistleblower found this telephone call to be of “urgent concern” because of the President’s apparent intermingling of U.S. foreign policy interests with his personal political interests in apparent violation of U.S. law.[5] 

Our focus here is not on the legality of the President’s actions or even on the merits of the whistleblower’s complaint, which the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General found to be “credible.”  Nor do we take a position at this time on whether DOJ’s review of this action was justified. 

We do, however, believe it was, and is, incumbent on the Attorney General to recuse himself from any participation, direct or indirect, in DOJ’s review of the whistleblower complaint.  Regardless of whether Mr. Barr was in fact aware of or part of the President’s plans, either before, at the time of, or after the July 25, 2019 telephone call, it is clear that Mr. Barr was obligated to recuse himself from any involvement in DOJ’s review of either the whistleblower complaint or the substance of the President’s actions once the President offered Mr. Barr’s services to President Zelensky.”

So how did they tip their hand, or why do I believe they did?  This line “Our concern has been brought to a head by Mr. Barr’s failure to recuse himself from the DOJ’s review—itself of uncertain propriety—of the ongoing “whistleblower” complaint with respect to the President’s efforts during his July 25, 2019 telephone call to request the Republic of Ukraine to investigate Mr. Trump’s allegations of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections and former Vice-President Biden and his son (the “Ukraine Matter”)”  Again, this is just my opinion, but I believe that this telegraphs the people, who I believe, are ‘behind’ this whistleblower’s attempt to take down POTUS’ true intentions.

My analysis is as follows: the ‘coup’ leaders saw this as not only a way to take a shot at Trump and provide a false pretext for impeachment (prior to the evidence that Barr and Durham are in possession of, or are coming into possession of becoming disclosed to the public) but also to force, or attempt to force, the recusal of, what I am convinced, is one of the last honest men in Washington DC, Attorney General Barr.

The Gateway Pundit Opined:

“The NYC Bar said that since Bill Barr was mentioned in the transcript of Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he should not be allowed to investigate anything related to Ukraine, including Crowdstrike and the Biden crime family.

How convenient.”

The entire Russia witch hunt, known as Spygate, originated in Ukraine.

Crowdstrike, the cyber-security company that investigated the DNC servers and concluded the Russians hacked the servers in 2016 is in Ukraine and President Trump mentioned this on his July 25 phone call to Zelensky. (screenshot below)

“I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike…I guess you have one of your wealthy people…The server, they say Ukraine has it,” Trump said to Zelensky during the July 25 phone call.

No wonder why the Trump-hating NYC Bar association wants AG Bill Barr to recuse himself from all Ukraine matters.

The left is most terrified that the public will find out the truth about Crowdstrike and the DNC servers — they were never hacked by the Russians and the entire ‘Russian hacking’ story was fabricated by Hillary Clinton and the media helped pushed the hoax for over 3 years.”

As I have said before, this has seemingly becomes a ‘battle to the death’ between the good and bad factions of our government.  In the past I have said that this is a metaphorical battle, however, the more evidence that the AG, and his ally, Mr Durham, come into possession of, the more likely it becomes, in my view, that this is an actual battle to the death.

We must win this war, no matter the cost, the future of our Republic depends on it.

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