Opinion| Mark Sidney| On the off chance that you are not familiar with Mr. Gaetz … Matt is a Congressman who represents the 1st district of the Sate of Florida.
‘Matt Gaetz Is the Trumpiest Congressman in Trump’s Washington’ according to GQ magazine.
That was supposed to be a cheap shot … I think. Well, if it was, it sure didn’t hurt the Congressman any.
For those of you under the age of 30, GQ is a media company that used to be relevant when back when magazines were a thing … you know, before the internet made them obsolete?
I had the pleasure of meeting the Congressman at the 2019 AMP Fest, at the Trump Doral, down in Miami Florida. Matt seemed to be the ‘real deal’, intently focused on turning America back into the economic powerhouse we once were, and just as interested in clearing the corrupt actors out of our Government.
Well, in case you did not tune in to Hannity Monday night, I thought I would put up this clip from the Fox News Channel show.
Gregg Jarrett was filling in for Sean on Monday.
On the show he was joined by Freedom Caucus members Andrew Biggs and Matt Gaetz.
According to The Gateway Pundit: ‘During their discussion the two Republican lawmakers said they witnessed Democrat lawmakers being threatened to vote for the slapdash impeachment process.’
Here is the transcript of the exchange, with the video below.
Rep. Matt Gaetz: It’s not just that Nancy Pelosi raises money for her political caucus, it’s that Nancy Pelosi uses that money as a political weapon against anyone who would potentially vote against impeachment. Andy and I observed active threats on the House floor that if the Blue Dog Democrats did not go along with the radical left of the Democratic Party and support impeachment that they would not be supported by the DCCC. (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee)
Gregg Jarrett: So that’s the active threat?
Matt Gaetz: That’s the quid pro quo!… The only quid pro quo that I observed in this impeachment process is the quid pro quo where if the Democrats did not line up behind Nancy Pelosi as lemmings ready to go off the cliff that they would then be bludgeoned by their own party in the primaries.
Via Hannity: