Opinion| Lawrence David| What you are about to learn will be very disturbing.
For those of you who think you understand the extent to which the Obama administration turned the intelligence community into a political weapon you’re about to be shocked.
Those sycophants who like former President Obama because of his smile and amiable demeanor, need to wake up.
To continue the myth that our intelligence agencies are any less malignant than anything that existed in the old Soviet Union is to deny all that is already known and will be known.
Sharyl Attkisson is a decorated investigative news correspondent who has won an Edward R. Murrow award and an Emmy Award for her reporting.
Her investigative efforts were so effective that she began ruffling feathers inside the Obama administration’s Deep State executive suites.
While working for CBS News, and uncovering news about the Department of Justice’s “gun walking” operation known as Fast and Furious she began suspecting that her computer had become the object of illegal surveillance.
According to a lawsuit Attkisson has filed, or is planning to file (we have no docket number as of yet), in the U.S. District Court in Maryland, the unauthorized, remote surveillance continued throughout her subsequent reporting on the Islamic extremist attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.
Her reporting on the attack on the U.S. embassy as well as the CIA outpost in Benghazi was recognized with an investigative Emmy nomination.
The publicity that her reporting generated obviously upset Obama’s spymasters who had been caught lying about just about everything connected with the deaths of four American contractors.
CBS News actually confirmed the illegal computer intrusions in August 2013.
Consider that research by investigators at the Conservative Treehouse indicates the modern political exploitation of the NSA database, for weaponized intelligence surveillance of politicians, began mid 2012 and we begin to realize that no one was immune to their prying eyes.
FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer concluded that 85% of all NSA database searches were illegal intrusions – tens of thousands of searches were illegal!!! That’s a whole lot of targets without warrants.
The allegations that Attkisson is making brings this surveillance to a whole other level. No longer were government agents simply gathering information that “came across the transom,” they were actively hacking into the computers of U.S. citizens.
Attkisson actually names the agents who hacked into her computer with the help of a former U.S. government agent who admitted participating in the illegal government surveillance:
“The insider has identified former U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein as the person responsible for the project.”
As a result of the new admission, Attkisson and her family are filing suit against Rosenstein and four other men allegedly involved. According to the lawsuit, the illegal surveillance was conducted against Attkisson and other U.S. citizens under a government operation based at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Baltimore, Maryland.
Rosenstein, who has been accused of offering to wear a wire while meeting with President Trump, was the U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland from July 12, 2005 to April 26, 2017.
“The Plaintiffs first acquired the details regarding key individuals involved in the surveillance in August, 2019, from a person involved in the wrongdoing who has come forward to provide information. Prior to that time, the Government and its agents and representatives had denied that any such conduct had occurred, including denials in Court pleadings and argument.”
Attkisson v. Rosenstein, et. al. (DOWNLOAD)
The Attkisson lawsuit claims that in March 2011, Defendants Shawn Henry, Shaun Bridges, Robert Clarke, and Ryan White, all of whom were government employees connected to a special multi-agency federal government task force based in Baltimore, Maryland, were ordered by Defendant Rosenstein to conduct home computer surveillance on Attkisson and other U.S. citizens.
Shawn Henry was head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office. In 2012, Henry left the FBI and now is president of CrowdStrike Services, a company that seeks to mitigate targeted online attacks on corporate and government networks globally.
Crowdstrike is the cyber forensic company that the FBI, under James Comey, allowed the DNC to assign the examination of their hacked server to rather than send it to Quantico where the FBI has the world’s most technologically advanced cyber forensics lab.
(Breitbart) There are common threads that run through an organization repeatedly relied upon in the so-called whistleblower’s complaint about President Donald Trump and CrowdStrike, the outside firm utilized to conclude that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee’s servers since the DNC would not allow the U.S. government to inspect the servers…
Shaun Bridges was as a Special Agent with the U.S. Secret Service for approximately six years, operating out of the Baltimore Field Office. Between 2012 and 2014, he was assigned to the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force, a multi-agency group investigating illegal activity on the Silk Road, a covert online marketplace for illicit goods, including drugs. In 2015 and 2017, Bridges was convicted of corruption related to his government work, and is now serving a prison sentence.
With the announcement that federal prosecutor John Huber found no wrongdoing by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the extent of the government’s efforts to cover up the corrupt money laundering (which you will soon learn is just the tip of the iceberg, thanks to JTF MAGA) of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other Obama administration members can no longer be denied.
Our horribly corrupted intelligence agencies spy with impunity, discredit and destroy anyone who gets in their way (Michael Flynn), and censor those who dare try to spread the truth.
The degree of their police state practices is staggering and anyone who shrugs it off doesn’t deserve the freedoms the rest of us are fighting for.
And, it’s all about to come out because of the efforts of patriotic former intelligence community members. Among them former federal agents Robert Caron and Joshua Macias, as well as former NSA Director William Binney.
They have formed an organization called Report for the President and an action group named Joint Task Force Make America Great Again, or JTF MAGA, that includes former members of the FBI, the DOJ, the IRA, the Department of Defense, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the National Security Council, as well as former federal judges.
JTF MAGA is comprised of the very individuals who warned the Trump campaign, in Trump Tower, that their communications were being compromised … BEFORE the election, over two weeks before American hero, Admiral Mike Rodgers did.
To learn where the American scandal of the century is going before the TV ‘news’ won’t tell you, before they can cover it up, be sure to follow JTF MAGA at ReportForThePresident.org and sign up for Spreely, the social network where the 1st Amendment IS the ‘community standard.’
This is just the beginning. We have committed to helping these patriots get the truth out regardless of the cost.
Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum.