First, she went after salons that would not give her male genitalia a wax job.
Then she went after gynecologists for not treating her male parts as if they were female parts.
Now she is going after reporters.
Trans activist Jessica Yaniv saw a reporter filming her, and she went after the Rebel media reporter and struck him about the head.
Then the loon followed him and told him to get away from her as he was trying to leave her behind.
Unfortunately for Yaniv, two security cameras caught the whole thing on video.
Rebel Media founder Ezra Levant said this about the attack:
“Yaniv is out of control — and the courts and police continue to cover for him. If this is how he abuses people when he knows cameras are rolling, one can only imagine what he does to those poor immigrant women he corners in their waxing salons. He’s a bully — but only because the courts and cops are afraid of being called ‘transphobic.’ No single person, however, is doing more to discredit the trans political agenda than this predator, who is so obviously gaming the system.”
The infamous “wax my balls” activist Jessica Yaniv has been caught on camera repeatedly punching Rebel News reporter Keean Bexte.
Yaniv is a Canadian trans activist who has repeatedly filed far fetched lawsuits against female estheticians who declined to wax his male genitals.
In the alarming footage, Yaniv can be seen physically assaulting the reporter and following him while demanding that he get away from her.
Following the incident, Bexte tweeted the video and wrote, “J. Yaniv just punched me in the back of the head. Just spoke to police. Luckily there are two security cameras directly overhead at the courthouse. I need an Advil.”
Her previous attack on a reporter:
J. Yaniv just punched me in the back of the head. Just spoke to police. Luckily there are two security cameras directly overhead at the courthouse. I need an advil.
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) January 14, 2020