Government Corruption

Deep State FBI Asked George Papadopoulos’s Wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos, to Spy On Her Husband!

The latest revelation about the FBI’s spying on George Papadopoulos is scandalous. His wife, Simona Mangiante, was asked to spy for the FBI and that includes wearing a wire to tape his conversations.

Just when we think we have a grip on just how corrupt the FBI was under James Comey, we find that things are getting worse, which is why we need to know more. Asking a wife or a fiance to spy on the one you love is a new low for the Deep State FBI.

It is outrageous that the FBI would even ask a fiance or wife to spy on their lover. But as we know, when Comey headed the FBI, ethics, in my opinion went out the window. Every day we see more and more being revealed on how they operated.

We obtained text messages between an anonymous source and Ms. Papadopoulos.  Our source told us that in the course of a text message conversation with young Simona, it was revealed that Simona was asked to spy on George Papadopoulos.

From The Gateway Pundit

In the first text message, Simona is presented with an article related to Obamagate and she says:

Simona: L’FBI mi hachiesto di informarli su george .. guando ci frequentavamo. E’ scandaloso – [The FBI asked me to inform them about george .. when we were dating.  It’s outrageous.]
Simona: Non volevo parlare di questo – [I didn’t want to talk about this.]

In the next text message, Simona is asked about a microphone story:

Acquantance: Davvero ti hano chiesto questo? [Did they really ask you this?]
Simona: Ma mi hanno dato un numero segreto [But they gave me a secret number]

In a third text Simona texts that she and George believed she was asked to wear a wire:

Simona: george sostiene che chiedermi di collaborare equivale anche ad indossare una wire [George says that asking me to collaborate also means wearing a wire]
Simona: quello che ho detto a george e’ la verita [what i told george is the truth]
Simona: Che I’FBI mi ha dato un numero segreto offerto protezione e chiesto di informarli [That the FBI gave me a secret number and offered protection and asked to inform them]

Simona: Per aiutare I’ínvestigazioeb [To help the investigation]
Simona: Mentre George era investigato [While George was being investigated]

In a fourth text Simona claims the FBI said to her that they knew of her relationship with George and the discussion goes as follows curiously taking a turn to suggest Simona is a spy:

Simona: Mi hanno detto “sappiamo di connessioni politiche importanti in Europa e della relazione con George” [They said “we know about important political connections in Europe and the relationship with George”]
Simona: Volevano intrappolare me? [Did they want to trap me?]

Simona: O capire se potevo cooperare con loro nel set up? [Or understand if I could cooperate with them in the set up?]

Simona: Certo erano spaventati dal mio background [Of course they were scared of my background]
Simona: Cosa pensi? [What do you think?]
Simona: Perche Occhionero millanta chei io sia una spia? [Why does Occhionero boast that I am a spy?] [Guilio Occhionero is an Italian who claims he was set up by Deep State actors in early 2017.]

Simona: Non credo millanti questo [I don’t think this is bragging]
Simona: Occhionero come me crede che FBI ha creato il Russiagate per cospirare contro il cndidato e President Trump [Occhionero like me believes that FBI created Russiagate to conspire against the candidate and President Trump.]

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